Chapter Seven

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I woke up screaming and crying and scared. I didn't know where I was. Another one of my nightmares rocked my body.

"SH, SH! Aspen!" Dani said. I didn't reply. I just sat there shaking and crying because I didn't want to remember.

" Aspen!!!!" She screamed, but finally wrapped her arms around my shoulders to comfort me and I started to relax. "We went to a party last night. You came back to my house to make sure I got home safe. I made you stay with me" she said in a comforting voice and rub soothing strokes through my hair. "I won't let anyone hurt you. You're safe." Her whispers came softly and she rubbed the top of my head as her chin rested against it.

"He was here, he was hurting me again!" I said, whimpering.

"No one is here, just me, okay?" She frowned.

My breaths began to settle and my hands lifted to my face as I felt the warm wet feeling of my tears. I never wanted anyone to see this part of me. To see how vulnerable one person could make me. Dani did not ask any questions, she just held me there and I was thankful for that.She doesn't know everything, but after this she knows enough to know something has happened to me, but she does not push.

"You kissed me last night," I sniffled slightly

"What are you talking about?" She asked and I turned to look at her seeing her face twisted in confusion

"Oh, yeah, like three times, twice because you wanted to and a third to piss off Dax," I said, laughing and a blush came to her face.

"I'm sorry," she said frantically as I waved my hands in dismissal.

"It's okay, I enjoyed it." We both laughed. "Oh, so did Dax. You guys were gone." I said laughing.

"WHAT!?" She yelled and I just winced.

"Please don't yell, my head feels like someone is taking a hot iron to it." I reached up to rub my temples.

"You kissed me AND my brother?"

"To be fair you both kissed me." I said pointing to myself.

She tackled me playfully, sending us both into a fight before we both rolled off the bed slamming down onto our backs.

"Ow" We said in unison.

"Also I need to get a plan B." I spoke quickly

"What!" She gasped out sitting up. I smiled at her mischievously and we both bursted into laughter.


Monday came around fast. I just spent my weekend laying around. Mostly brooding and thinking about all the ways I could murder Dax. I had gotten very creative as the days past. Only comfort I sought was in the thought of Elijah between my legs.

"Yo, aren't you gonna be late for your classes!" A familiar voice cut through my sleep.

"Get out of here, Troy!" I threw a pillow at him.

"Ouch! Well, ain't that a nice-"

I cut him off as it finally registered in my half-awake brain "TROY! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I screamed and jumped up, putting my arms around his neck and wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Well, hello to you too, lil sis!" He said with a chuckle. Troy was my brother. He was 22, married, and had a baby girl. His wife Diana got pregnant at 19, but loved my brother very much. They got married and still live back home. He would come here for work every once and while, but had been some time since he had been back in the city. Worry puddled in my stomach.

In the dark: Darkness between us series (WIP rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now