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"Oh you up!"

"w-what?" The little said looking up at him immediately panicking
"What's wrong sweetie?" Jin said holding him a little bit tighter wanting to make sure he wasn't gonna fall

"M-mister Kim- I'm really sorry I- I'm sorry you had to see all that!" He said getting out of the man's lap, he started panicking finding it hard to breath

"No Yoongi it's fine it's fine" he said trying to calm him down
"No- n-no it's not okay, no one had to see this not you no" he said feeling sick with himself, he really didn't wanna lose this job as well...

"Yoongi it's fine it's fine nothing is wrong" he said pulling him into a hug trying to avoid from having a panic attack

"What..what happened?" He said looking up at him once he was calm enough
"You went to little space and I just took care of you for a while..that's all" he said not wanting to upset the little boy even more,,,

"Look mister Kim- I'm really sorry about that..please try and forget about it, this never happened" he said looking down already trembling
"No no Yoongi please listen to me.." he said holding his hands

"Whatever happened was okay, you had to slip and you did you were no problem in fact I enjoyed taking care of you" he said already exposing himself
"N-no it's disgusting" he said looking down taking deep breaths

"No please listen to me- here here.." he said pulling the little to his lap, "Yoongi, being a little is absolutely all right, it's not disgusting it's absolutely fine I don't know what your past with little space was but with me it's absolutely fine."
Yoongi believed what the elder said..but something inside him..didn't believe it..

Yoongi ended up falling on the man's arms again tired..
"everyone meanie to yoonie fwor bein 'ittle" he said pouting and rubbing his eye with his small fist
"Who did that?" He asked holding him closer
"mommy 'appa" he said tears slowly falling

The caregiver didn't need more explanation..
"no honey, they don't deserve you if they can't except you the way you are they don't deserve you" he said making an eye contact

The little couldn't help but bury his face to the man's neck, he had to say thank you in some way but words really couldn't come out
"There there...let's forget about all the meanie people do you wanna color while I'm doing some work?" He said patting the little's back

"Okay wait a minute" he said leaving the little on the sofa going over to his desk getting out some crayons and a colouring book with some white papers
"I have this just in case little Tae and his daddy visit hmm" he said coming over and placing them to the coffee table
"Here make some beautiful drawings while I work okay? I'm over there" he said pointing at his desk

Yoongi used to have a few colouring books when he was 17 but after he's parents found out they threw them away
Yoonie didn't care tho, now he could make some beautiful drawings for Jinnie!

some time passed, Jin was doing some of his paperwork while peaking up on Yoongi making sure he's okay
"Yoonie done" he said admiring his drawing
"Hmm can I see?"
"Mmh, it's for Jinnie" he said walking up to him
The elder's heart melted by all the cuteness, he drew a black cat and wrote "for Jinnie:)"
"Awhh sweetie that's beautiful! I will hang it up on my fridge at home" he said placing the boy to his lap
Yoongi couldn't really make words come out so he just nodded and blushed

"Jinnie" he said looking down at his feet "yes little one?" He replied giving him all his attention "Yoonie is hungy" he said blushing knowing damn well that he actually hates asking for stuff
"Of course little one wait I'm not sure if I have a snack with me right now.." he said looking at his backpack, he had to think fast he didn't want the little to starve..this was hard..

"Hey sweetheart do you like chicken nuggets?" He spilled out "mmh mmh" he nodded
"Okay, is Yoonie okay by coming to my house so we can cook some?" He asked awkwardly "mmh! Want!" He said jumping up and down cutely
"Okay..here I got your stuff a while ago..let me pack some stuff and we leaving okay?"

Not many people noticed the fact that they left but they did tell it to the reception

On the car Yoongi was on the front seat looking out of his window humming a song and Seokjin went along with it

"Okay we are here" he said parking the car, he opened the little's door and walked with him to the front door, Jin had a nice house..sadly he has no one to share it with..

"Okay, do you want to wear something more comfortable maybe? You can take a nap while I'm cooking how does that sound mmh?"
"Oki" the little said and held on the elder's shirt feeling like he is going to get lost in this new place
"Hmm here take this, they may be a little bit too big on you though" he said giving him a pair of pjms

Jin went to the bathroom to put on his own giving some space to the younger, "sweetie are you done?" He asked knocking on the door "mmh done"
He came in to see the little sitting on the bed frame quietly looking cute with those pjms

Smells Jinnie... he thought and giggled
"Okay..do you wanna maybe take a nap while I'm cooking?" He asked knowing that the little only slept for 30 minutes back at the office...
"Oki.." the boy said looking up at him

Seokjin tacked up the little on his bed kissing his forehead "I will come and wake you up once the food is ready hmm" "Oka" the little said lazily

Little Yoonie likes Jinnie>:)

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