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at the ending of this chapter there is mention of s3lf h@rm

It's been 2 weeks since Yoongi started working there and he was glad he got even closer with Jin.
Now it was the end of the day, time for Yoongi to leave, he took his stuff and left for the day on his way he also saw his boss..
Seokjin just kindly smiled at him and so did Yoongi
Jin wanted to give him a ride home but it would sound weird he thought
Yoongi took the bus home, which took him 20 minutes
After that he went inside and saw his roommate already sleeping on the couch snoring loudly
Yoongi walked to his room and left his backpack, he then went to take a quick shower

"Today it was a gwood day" he said letting himself slipping to his headspace
"mwister Seokjin was really kind and pwetty"

After he's hot shower was over he went to his room and lied dead to the bed, he started stretching himself and took his stuffed teddy bear, 'mamo'
"Mamo today at work they were all really kind and and mwister Seokjin was also weally kind and and cute!" He excitedly said to his stuffy
He kept on talking about how he's day went until he fell asleep

- the following morning-

"good morning" Yoongi said to his stuffed friend

He quickly got up did he's morning routine and left for work. While being on the bus he had his headphones on and looking down at his own steps

As he walked to the building he fell on someone
"Oh- I'm really sorry!" He said not knowing who he bumped up to "oh it's fine don't worry about it" the same kind voice said "oh m-mister Kim I'm really sorry a-are you okay?!" The young male asked not wanting his handsome boss to hate him
"Oh really don't worry it's fine, oh you came kinda early today hm" Jin said trying to change the subject
"Really? Oh I didn't notice the time oops.." he faked a smile

"Wanna go to take a coffee at that coffee shop down the street?" The elder male spilled out "oh okay sure"

Is this actually happening?

Yoongi felt kinda awkward at first but he was happy that Jin showed some signals that he likes Yoongi..as a friend at least!

"So how you ended up working as a janitor huh? A young and handsome boy like you would most likely be an idol or something you know" he said and chuckled "oh well..I used to work on a candy shop but well umm..something happened and I got fired" he said awkwardly trying to think an excuse about it in case the man asked him 'why'

"Oh okay hope everything is fine, no need to tell me tho I'm not that curious heh" he said and chuckled

The duo kept on chatting for the next hour almost forgetting they had work, they both learned more about each other like Jin's obsession about fishing, or Yoongi's passion about painting it went pretty well! You could say that the two were becoming good friends

Today Jin had to leave early from work since he was gonna meet up with Namjoon and his little and boyfriend Taehyung,,,

"Oh why your leaving this early sir?" Yoongi asked as the male passed by from him "oh I'm going to meet up with a friend! Also you can just call me hyung or Jin whatever you like!" He kindly smiled at him
"Oh okay sure, have a great day!" Yoongi faked a smile and left the man alone

Hmm friend? Maybe boyfriend or girlfriend?
He thought and pouted

-time skip-

The rest of his day went pretty well, even though he was in a pretty low mood since he heard his boss's words "gonna meet up with a friend"
A friend? a lover? Ugh what was he supposed to do about it? Probably nothing, it was his life he can't magically make the elder to date him

On his way home his phone rang "oh hobi hi" the boy said
"Hey hyung! Wanna come over?" He said eagerly "oh um sorry hoba..I'm really tired..maybe another time?" He said disappointed in himself for making his friend sad..
"Oh it's fine don't worry, please rest good night!"
"Good night"

He went home and he was alone, he didn't care much about where he's roommate was he just wanted to be left alone

"He has a partner mamo...he is not swingle" he quietly cried to his stuffy "and if h-he wasn't single he wouldn't like a freak like m-me" he cried out
"I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna" he started shaking around his bed going into a younger headspace ending up on baby space

He woke up around 2 hours later dry tears in his cheeks, went to check the time it was 1am he got up and took of his shirt he went over his desk seeing a scissor he had
Am I really doing this for someone I have known for this long?
He thought and face palmed himself
Why I got so attached to him ugh-

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