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A tough day came up again..could be one of Yoongi's worse days again...

He hated everything at the moment. He had to work some of his colleagues's shifts because one of them got sick..why he even agreed on this?
It was currently 11.30pm that's when his shift would end but that was just a small problem, he had planned on watching movies with Seokjin and now he feels terrible for not being able to spend some time with him, it was also really cold outside and he was really close on going to his head space from all the tiredness and sadness.

"just perfect" he mumbled to himself as he opened his phone he had 3 missing phone calls from Jin and 4 texts

"Yoongi are you coming???"
"Isn't your shift over yet???"
"I miss you:(((💔"
"I will wait..."

He feels so bad now...he had his phone on mute the whole time...
He had a few data so he texted back

"Sorry Jin, I just finished my shift and yes I'm coming" -send-

He skipped the part where he missed the bus and he had to walk now...for about 20 minutes? He really didn't wanna bother the elder to come and pick him up..
So far everything was okay..he had his mask on so he won't feel much cold or something like that, he was walking just fine apart from the fact that he was overthinking everything, all the good time he could spend with Seokjin..and now nothing! He hates that! He really wanted to cry! It's cold, he is cold, it seems like he won't reach home without falling on the ground and crying and now a car— shit.

He tried to be chill..a car was following him. He tried to walk faster with no tears but failed when a voice was suddenly heard...



"Hyung! What are you doing here aren't you cold?!" Asks a familiar voice stopping the car right near him
"Oh, thanks Heavens it's you." He says letting out a big breath he didn't know he was holding "why are you here hyung?" "I- um lost the bus" he said in a lil embarrassment "oh that's fine! Come in! I will get you home!" "Are you sure?" "Yup!"

Yoongi got in the front seat but something was..off? He turned behind him in the back seat just to see—
"Who is that?" He asks pointing that black figure out
"Oh? Haha silly that's my friend! Please be quite he is sleeping right now" he said softly fixing the blanket that was upon him not wanting it to fell off

"Oh okay all right.." he said turning in the front
After a few seconds of silent Yoongi spoke up again

"Why is your friend sleeping in here?"

"Oh well, we were at the dance studio a while ago and he tired himself out, he is spending the night to my house" he said with a smile "oh that's cool...you like him don't you?" He asks with an eyebrow raised and a small smirk behind his mask "uh- no we are just friends" he said with a little blush. He let out a small chuckle

"Out of topic but, why didn't you call Jin to pick you up" he says the mood suddenly changing "oh um i didn't wanna bother him..so I told him that I'm coming by the bus" he said, it was true though...
"Yoongi..we both know that you don't annoy him" he said with a sad smile, he would go to times like this..when he used to be roommates with Yoongi, he always used to feel guilty for being a 'burden'.

"I know..I just had a pretty shitty day that's all" he said looking down again "that's all right, do you wanna talk about it or no?" "I would prefer no" he said quite

"Okay as you say.." says the younger with a sad smile, he would never pressure him about anything he just kept on driving until the elder spoke up again "leave me here please" he said taking off his seatbelt "okay"
"Thanks Hobi" he said fixing his jacket "of course" he said ready to leave but the elder spoke up
"What's his name again?" He asks pointing at the younger male who was still sleeping in the blankets

"Jungkook" he says with a small smile "good night Jungkook, good night Hoba" he said with a small smile "good night" he waved and the walking sunshine and left.


"What am I gonna do now?" He says to himself, home is only 1 block away..should he go or no? He doesn't know..he really needs to get going or else the man is gonna get worried but— ugh

He walked to their house. After 10 minutes he was in with soaked cheeks but couldn't be noticed because of the mask.
He looked at the living room, it seemed like there was a big black shadow that made him want to cry even more but got even more scared when that black shadow started moving into his place. He felt like he couldn't breath, this was definitely not his imagination.

"Yoongi! Yoongi! It's just me, hyung!" He said coming closer to the light so he could see him. That didn't seem to help at all, Yoongi was looking down scared of what he would see he couldn't hear anything else apart from his breaths

The elder took of the younger's mask so he could breath better, that seemed to help. After a few seconds he found his way back again.
"Are you okay? Why you came this late?" 

"I missed the bus and I walked too slow" he said looking down ready to throw a waterfall "why didn't you call me?" "You were busy"


"You know that I wasn't." He said again but kept his calm voice he didn't wanna upset his boyfriend more.."I'm sorry please don't be mad" he said a few tears slipping with him burying his head on the man's chest "I'm not mad and you know it.." he said picking him up, he knew that the boy must be tired from walking all this distance and for everything that had happened.
"I'm really sorry..we were supposed to spend the night together.." he cried to his shoulder "it's fine we can do it another time okay?" He says patting his back softly "okay.."

After that the boy was completely passed out, he just remembers the man kissing his lips softly. Only that.

But the man really had to think about all this, his boyfriend was so stressed he needs to make it up for him somehow..he wants him to relax in the best way possible..and maybe he knows how..

What do y'all think Jin will do?
I'm also planning on making a bigger chapter for the next update!
Thanks for reading!!!💕💕💕

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