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"Hey you ready babe?" Asks Jin as he knocked on the bathroom door "wait a sec" he said before opening the door.
He was wearing a black shirt with a jacket and oversized pants, the thing that caught Jin's attention though was his eye make-up "Awh your eyes are so pretty" he said kissing his cheeks
"Awh thanks, it's just basic eyeliner heh" he giggled
"Well it's amazing I can't even put on eyeliner to myself" he giggled and kissed the top of his nose.

On the ride Yoongi was indeed really quiet looking outside of the window "everything okay? You feel like slipping?" He asks
At the word "slipping" he almost chocked to his own saliva "oh no- it's just that I'm kinda scared"
(Slipping=if he wants to go to little space)

"Huh? Scared? About what?" He asks confused, what was he scared about? He did something wrong?
"Well I don't know..I'm just kinda scared about others seeing us..." he said looking down
He was scared of all the homophobic people out there...
"Oh, Yoongi sweetie don't think that way, everyone has different opinions and plus if anyone says something about us I'm gonna sue him" he said and made the man giggle, we'll he was right, he had that kind of power

They arrived at a street restaurant, not something fancy, just a place to eat and have fun.
After ordering the 2 started talking about every day stuff and all but now it was time for Yoongi's big announcement.

"Okay so, you know Hoseok right, my friend" he said
"Oh yes! The smiley dude! I love this guy he is so sweet!" He said with a cute smile
"Yeah so..some of his family members have a flower shop and he asked me if I wanted to go and work there with him, I checked and they give much more money and it's gonna be good because I can now give more for us" he said with his gummy smile blushing.


"That's so sweet oh my god! Im so happy for you!" He said kissing his lips, well that was sudden for Yoongi but hey, they are a couple, that's what couples do.
"Yeah, also I maybe..maybe..um accidentally bought a stuffed animal and I tried to hide it in my closet but I faile-" he said really anxious, it was really random yes, but he had to tell him "Yes I know."
He scoffed "I was cleaning the other day and noticed it, it's quite big, for cuddles I guess" he said holding his hands, that really made him blush.
"Yes" he said blushing and trying to look away


After they were done with food they decided to go on a little walk, thankfully, Jin didn't drink alcohol so there was nothing to worry about since he is bad at drinking.

Yoongi felt really anxious for some reason, felt like everyone was looking at him, like he was being judged, this were just his bad thoughts, non of them are real, why would locals even care about them?

"Let's take a picture shall we?" Says Jin taking out his phone "all right"
"Okay, pose" he said, yoongi awkwardly blushed and made a peace sign with his hands, Jin did the same and they took a few pictures together as well, awh, such a cute couple.

While taking a selfie Jin decided to do a little trick just to tease the younger. "Hey sweetie look there!" He said and immediately the younger looked away not sure what his partner wanted to show him.
"I don't underst-" before he could finish his sentence Jin gave him a quick kiss on the lips and capture it on camera as well.
"You mother fuck-" says Yoongi jokingly and kissed him back
"I love you" says Jin as they walked down the street, "yeah, love you too" he said and surprised both Jin and himself, it's usually really hard for him to say "I love you". Seokjin was more than proud of him, he is really improving more and more each day...

"Should I drive?" Asks Yoongi seeing how tired his boyfriend looked
"Please..let's not risk it.." he said tiredly
"heh..of course"

Finally found the motivation to write,,,

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