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On their way in the car Jin just reminded him the rules he had set up for today since it was a more special day, Yoongi of course wouldn't break any of them!
"Okay we are here~" he said as he was parking on the parking lot

There was kinda a lot of people, not a problem honestly for the caregiver, the little thought is just getting a little bit anxious around people but he is working on it!
"hyung" he said shaking the edler's hand "yes?" "Can we go there?" "uh? Where?" He said but then he saw where he was pointing at "oh the toy store? Of course"
"Yeash!" He said eagerly walking toward the store

To be honest, Jin was planning on getting the little some new toys..well now it's better since the boy is gonna choose what he wants
"Go in and choose whatever you want" he said following him from behind knowing the boy was excited too get new things!

He looked around amazed by all the colourful toys he wanted to get everything! Jin would literally buy the world to him anyways

Something though caught the younger's attention
"Jinnie can get this?" He asked showing the man a bat plushy. Awh "of course you can! Do you want anything else?" Asked the man "hmmm"

The little quickly run back to where he came from and got back again holding a book, probably a fairytale he thought "is that all?"  "Mmh!" "Okay can you please hand it over so I can pay for it?" "Okay~" he said giving the stuff to his daddy

After they left the store Yoongi got to hold his bat plushy again "thank you 'innie" he said cutely hugging his new friend "gonna be friends with mamo" he giggled  "yes I think they can be best friends!" He cheered

After that they went over to some other stores where Jin got himself a jacket and some pair of pants while Yoongi got a purple hoodie

Their rest of the day was really nice! They really had a fun time after so long! How they enjoyed it! Now the two boyfriends where at a cafeteria giggling at each other "you really like that huh?" Said the elder teasing him about the previous conversation they had
"Also, forgot to ask but how do you think about naming your new friend?" He asked pointing at the bat plushy

Youngi looked at the plushy and let out a small 'hmm' before it went all silence
"batbat" he said cutely looking at his plushy "that's a great name sweetie~" "thank chu~" he blushed


Another hour passed it was also time for them to leave only by the caregiver seeing the little rubbing his eyes sleepily yawning
"Sleepy aren't we?" He teased kissing his cheek, the boy slowly nodded
"Wait a little bit I will pay for the coffee and we leaving"
After a few minutes of waiting for the waiter to come and get payed by the two,,,

After that was also done, Jin took the two bags also holding Yoongi's hand while the younger was holding batbat and the plastic bag with his book

The little relaxed in the car seat nuzzling his body around to find a comfortable position "don't sleep yet buddy" said the man starting the car
"But daddy me tired" he whined. "It will only take 10 minutes baby can you handle it please?" He said sweetly hoping for the best and not a tantrum

The boy whined again in response and looked out of the window, the rest of their ride was angry whines from the little and nervous laugh from the caregiver,,,

"Okay we are home now baby" he said parking the car, the little didn't say anything and walked out of the car inside the house with batbat on his arms, when Jin walked in the house he saw the tired boy passed on the sofa
"Get up angel, don't sleep there go to bed please" he said going to put the clothes on the washing machine so he won't have to do it later on, after changing his clothes he thought the boy would also be in bed as he was told but no...

He was still at the same position in the sofa "ah, baby get up" he said softly shaking his arm, the little thought was stubbornly staying on the same position
"Daddy sleepy no wanna~" he whined
The man thought about it for a second..okay okay he has a point it was a tiring today, he said to himself and lifted the boy up

He dressed him up in his pjms and placed him to bed near him so he could sleep of course not forgetting to put mamo and batbat near him knowing that he is probably gonna wake up upset if the stuffed animals are not by his side

"Sleep well baby" he said kissing the top of his head nuzzling his head above his

gonna be a good nap,,,

hey y'all:>
Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter:>
Also guess who got covid😎 me🤙🤙
Literally I feel nothing since I'm also fully vaccinated
Thanks for reading and also thank you so much for 1K!!!💕💕

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