Well, as it may seem...

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Well, I guess when everything comes to a conclusion,

We see who were truly are.

We see who are our true friends,

And we find the real meaning of family.

As it may seem like everything is coming together or falling apart,

you are still you,

Alive and well.

You have a layer of experience on your skin and you should be proud of that.

I want you to let you know I'm proud of you.

You achieved so much my dear and I want to watch you obtain more achievements as you grow older.

Life will not wait for you to stop crying if you feel like you failed yourself.

Because child, as it may seem like you did everything you possibly could,

And you did,

There is always more to be done.

Everything comes down to things you have achieved, the mistakes that you made, and the lessons that you have learned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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