Chapter 110

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Back in present time:
Matt's POV: After spending the past 90 minutes in bed (part of it sleeping), I smiled when I heard the bath running. Gabby wasn't in bed so, I could only assume that she wanted to take a bath. So, I decided to come and join her. Not that I really doubt she was going to be opposed to it, she always loved it when we take a bath together since it meant that she got some of my attention in a very intimate way. My hands were always all over her and I loved it just as much as she did...if not more. Gabby was so sexy when she was naked, and she knew it. Walking in, I smiled at her before walking over to her as she sat down on the edge of the bath. "Care for some company?"

Looking up at me when she heard me, Gabby just smiled and nodded when I asked her that. "Honestly, I would love some company. I think we both know how much I love it when we are in the bath together." I nodded and smiled when she said that. Watching Gabby get up, I smiled as I went to turn her around in my arms and then stepped close to her. Putting my hands on her stomach in the process, I just smiled because of how beautiful my girl was. Putting her arms on my arms as we stepped close to each other, Gabby gave me a quick kiss and just smiled as she wrapped her arms around my back. "You get a good amount of rest?" I nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, had a great dream." Gabby then leaned back and smiled at me. "Care to share what the dream was about?" I smiled when she asked. "Us with the kids, working on a construction job. It was when we had all of the kids." Gabby nodded and just smiled when I said that. "And has the number or gender of our kids changed?" I shook my head and smiled at her. "Two boys, two girls in that order." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that stepping close to me, she came to kiss me and just smiled as we held each other close. "I love you and I am so glad that we are having these kids." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that because I was too.

Going to look at the bath, I smiled because it really did look comfortable. "How long have you been running the bath and how long before you think that it's ready?" Gabby smiled when I asked her that and just went to wrap her arms around me. "Honestly, I am just ready to get it whenever you are ready to get in." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before proceeding to rub her arms. Gabby was very comfortable right now and I definitely wanted to hold her in my arms right now. "Let's just get in okay?" Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "Yes, let's get in." Going to look at her, I smiled because I wanted to take off her towel.

"Here, can I take off your towel?" Gabby nodded and smiled when I asked her that. "Of course you can." Going to back up, Gabby smiled at me while I went to go grab her towel. Taking it off, I went to go set it down on the counter. "Let me sit down first okay? I know that it's hard for you to sit down." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that because we both knew that was the case. Going to watch me take off my towel, Gabby just smiled because she loved how sexy I was when I was naked. Walking up to her, I went to put my hands on her stomach before leaning down to kiss her softly. "Calm down girl, you can have me after we take a bath if you want me."

Gabby just laughed and smiled when I said that

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Gabby just laughed and smiled when I said that. Going to get in the bath ahead of her, I smiled as I went to shut it off since there was enough water in there for the both of us. Turning my head, I looked at Gabby and smiled because I was ready to have her come and join me in the bath...and she did just that the minute I turned to look at her. Setting her towel down on the counter next to mine, Gabby smiled as she came to step into the bath with me before moving to sit down in between my legs. Wrapping my arms around her the minute she was sitting in the bath with me, I smiled as I went to put my hands on her stomach and just held my entire family close.

Going to stroke her stomach, I smiled because of how comfortable me and Gabby were right now in the bath. It was absolutely perfect and I was so happy that we were just sitting together right now. Moving to intertwine our fingers, Gabby smiled as she laid her head back against my shoulder. "So, you having a good day so far?" I laughed and just smiled when Gabby asked me that. "Oh trust me, I am having a great day so far. However...I am just glad that you are resting and relaxing. That is all I want right now to make sure that our boys stay safe in here for the rest of your pregnancy." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "I feel the same way."

Going to kiss the side of her head, I smiled because of how intimate we were getting with each other right. "What are you thinking about right now babe?" Gabby smiled when I asked her that. "I am thinking about how much I love you and want this right now. I mean, there is nothing that I would rather do right now because of how comfortable I am sitting in the bath right now." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that, moving to kiss her shoulder softly as we held each other close in the bath. "I promise, we are still not moving today. You need to rest right now and that is all I care about." Gabby smiled and agreed with me.

"Speaking of rest, how much of our time resting was really just thinking about your brother?" Gabby sighed when I asked her that and just stroke my hand with her thumb. Going to whisper in her ear, I tried to get her to relax. "Gabby, you can be honest with me okay? Please be honest with me." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I asked her that. "I am still thinking about him a lot. I am worried. I want my brother back Matt." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that, feeling her let go of my hand before going to rub my arm. Meanwhile, I put my hand on her stomach and just stroke it with my thumb to try and get her to relax a bit.

"Gabby, he is going to wake up soon...I am sure of that." Gabby just agreed with me when I said that, but I knew that she was starting to loose hope. It's been such a rollercoaster for the both of us and I knew that this was really wearing on her. "Gabby, listen to me okay?" Gabby nodded when I asked her to do that. "Gabby, you don't need to put on a brave face for me okay? I am your husband...please just let me be there for you. Be vulnerable for me and let me make you feel better." Gabby just sighed, but (reluctantly) agreed with me when I said that. "I am just trying to distract myself Matt. I am trying to live in the moment but he's on my mind."

I nodded and just sighed as I felt Gabby roll over onto her side. Going to grab some of the soap we have here in the bath with us, I put some on my hand and then started to wash her body. Putting my hand on her stomach, I went to go rub it with soap first. I then proceeded to kiss her forehead softly and just sighed. "Gabby, tell me what you need from me today." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Can you put your boxers on after our bath and just hold me in bed. This is what I need right now." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Of course Gabby...that is what we are going to do, I promise." Gabby nodded and just sighed.

Holding Gabby close, I tried to make her feel better but I knew that the only thing that was going to make her feel better was for Antonio to wake up...

Hitting Reset Season 2: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now