Chapter 125

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Matt's POV:
Once I finished ordering some salads for me, Gabby and Antonio...I just smiled as I decided to (quickly) get up and check up on the boys while Gabby was still in the washroom. "Hey little guys, daddy here again. You know, you guys just missed Christmas. Don't worry though, I am sure that you are still going to get a bunch of gifts from your aunts and uncles this year." Going to put my hand in their little beds, I smiled as I went to go rub their stomachs and just smiled because they were perfect. Our little Andy and Noah. "So, which is which?" 

Turning to look at Antonio when he asked me that, I smiled. "Andrew is closer to us, Noah is closer to you." Antonio nodded and agreed. "Listen, if you want me to stay until you are released...I am sure that I can." I just laughed when he asked us that. "Oh trust me, I would rather you leave when you can. Gabby might not but, I have waited to be a dad for a LONG time...I am not letting another man steal my boys before I get to really hold them." Antonio agreed with me and laughed when I said that. "I still can't believe I was married for a bit today." I nodded and agreed.

I just turned to look at him when he said that. "Can we please not talk about you know who? Remember, she is a persona non grata in our home. And right now, I consider this our home." Antonio agreed with me when I said that. "You like being a dad so far?" I laughed when he asked me that. "Oh my god yes. I am already in love with these two little boys here." Antonio then looked at them. "They the perfect mix of Hispanic and Caucasian?" I bit my lip. "Andrew looks a bit more like Gabby right now. Noah is a bit whiter if that makes any sense at all?"

Antonio agreed with me when I said that and smiled at me. "Yeah, it was the opposite for my kids. They both looked like me." I smiled when he said that. "By the way, they already texted their congratulations." Antonio laughed and agreed with me when I told him that. "I told them that you were going to give birth today." I nodded and smiled when he said that before taking a breath. I then decided to go walk over to him and just sighed. While I was mad at Antonio, he was still my brother-in-law and I cared for him as if he were my brother.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, I looked at him. "Now, I have asked Gabby this are you feeling?" Antonio looked at me when I asked him that and seemed a little shocked that I cared. "You really mean to ask me that?" I nodded and agreed with him. "Hey, of course I do Antonio. You are my brother. Plus, we are going to be stuck here together for the next 2 months." Antonio nodded and agreed with me. "Well, I am doing better now that I have that psychopath out of my life and away from my I am going to use to spoil that godson of mine."

I smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "Before you ask, your godson is going to be Noah. I already promised Severide that he is going to be Andy's godfather....after all, he is named after my best friend and our fallen brother-in-arms." Antonio nodded and smiled when I said that. "Be honest with me, you miss him right now." I nodded and sighed when he asked me that. "I wish I could ask him for advice." Antonio sighed when I said that. "Matt, let me be there for you both. Come to me if you need advice." I laughed when he said that. "Not happening Antonio."

Antonio seemed confused when I said that. "Uhm why not?" I just laughed when he asked me that. "Because I would rather not be judged by you." Antonio then went to argue that he wouldn't do that but I just glared at him. We both already knew that he was going to judge me regardless of what I say...that is always going to be the truth. "Exactly what I though. Antonio, you are always going to judge me." That's when I heard someone come join us in the room. "Isn't that the truth!" Turning around, I smiled when I saw Camila. "Hi mom." Camila just shook her head. "Seriously, I had to hear it from Gabby over text that you got married and divorced?"

Antonio just sighed when she asked him that. "Mom, it's over now." She agreed with him and just smiled as she went to hug him that afternoon. "Now that I've seen you, let's get down to the real reason I am here." Antonio just went to complain when his mom said that. "MA!" Camila just turned to look at him. "I've had almost 50 years to deal with you....I haven't met my grandsons yet. You'll get your time with me." I just laughed and smiled as I got up and then went to go hug her. "How are you doing Matt? I know it's probably been a hard 48 hours." I agreed and sighed.

"Yeah, it's already been a month." Antonio looked at me when I said that. "Oh god." I nodded and agreed with him. "Yeah, a month the grandsons that she will never meet are born." Camila nodded and agreed with me when I said that before coming to walk over to me. She then came to hug me and just smiled. "Listen, I am going to go look at the kids." I nodded and smiled. "Andrew is closer to me and Gabby's bed, Noah is closer to Antonio's bed." Camila nodded and smiled when I told her that before proceeding to go look at her new grandsons.

Gabby's POV:
After finishing up in the bathroom, I smiled as I came back out so that I could relax in bed with Matt once again. However, something that I did not expect was to see my mom there. "Mom." Turning to look at me, she smiled and then walked over to me. "Oh Gabby, congratulations." I smiled and agreed with my mom when she said that, feeling her leave a kiss on my cheek. "God, it's been an eventful day." I laughed and agreed with her. "Eventful is definitely a word that I can use to describe today." Going to look at Matt, I smiled at him and then went to get back in bed.

Crawling over to him so that I was laying down on his chest once again, I just smiled at him and went to lay down on his chest like I wanted. I was always comfortable when we cuddled up to each other like this is and this is exactly what I wanted to do right now. Plus, I was comfortable.

"Sorry if I am laying down on Matt's chest right now mom

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"Sorry if I am laying down on Matt's chest right now mom." Wrapping his arm around me, Matt went to kiss my forehead and then went to twirl my hair around his finger. "Gabby, it's fine. You are tired and you need to rest okay?" I nodded and agreed with Matt, knowing that was true.

"In fact, the boys are fine and are being taken care of nurses right now. If you need to sleep Gabby, sleep okay? Take advantage of the help we have...because we aren't going to have this help when we move home." I laughed and just smiled when Matt said that because he always had this ability to make me laugh...even if the things he said was not very funny. I am not sure what it is...but I love it when he makes me feel this way. I love my husband and there is nobody in the entire world I would rather have here by my side as we prepared to raise our sons.

"I am sure that my mom would love to help us." Matt nodded and agreed with me before sighing as he rubbed my back. Looking up at him, I was confused. "What's wrong baby?" Matt sighed as he looked at me. "Our original plan was to have my mom move in." I nodded and agreed with Matt when he said that before going to kiss my forehead softly. Just holding each other close, I smiled because of how comfortable we both were right now. Nothing was going to make me happier right now than this. Turning to look at my mom and the boys, I just smiled.

"Am I dreaming or is that my mom standing next to our sons?" Matt laughed when I asked him that and just smiled. I knew that he was happy too as he went to rub my back. God, now this was the life that we always wanted and I am so glad that we finally have it. It's a long time coming and there's nobody I would rather have by my side as we start this new life together. Matt is the man I love and my one and only. Nobody can...nor will they ever replace him in my life. 

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