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My childhood was like any other. It wasn't measured by time but by smiles , laughter and memories. Both good and bad memories , some full of joy and wonder while others full of despair and excruciating pain but out of all these memories there's one I'll never forget even in death.
This was the day that I lost it all.

It was a cold and murky Friday morning and like almost any four year old I was excited to go to school so I woke up a little earlier than everyone else. I dashed towards my parents room to wake them up but there was no one inside so I decided to look around the house and I found my mother in the kitchen preparing Breakfast and my lunch . I was eager to see what was inside my lunchbox but my mother said it was a surprise and told me to go to the bathroom and wait for her so she could bathe me and I did as she said . After bathing , changing and everyone was done getting ready we headed to the car and made our way to school .

On our way I nagged my father to play one of my favorite songs so that I wouldn't be so bored on the way and finally after a minute or two of annoying him he finally played it and from then on i sat and sang in my seat without bothering anyone.

As we drove through this mountainous path we reached the long curve and at this curve it was impossible to see the other end of the road because of the mountains but I knew that once we reached this point it meant we were about half way there and the next thing I saw was bright lights and I heard a large crash and the sound of breaking glass. With this moment what was even more painful was the fact that even though there was a large glass shard sticking out of my head I was conscious, though not entirely since I kept falling in and out of consciousness. Whenever I fell unconscious I would be surrounded by a warm darkness and I kept hearing familiar voices in the distance calling my name.
There are only four moments I remember from the times I was conscious. The first is of the remains of the two cars , the second is when the paramedics came and I was reaching out my hand to what seemed to be a corpse , the third is of the doctors taking me and my father to seperate operating rooms and the last is of my mother and sister saying goodbye as they ascended towards a bright light.

After who knows how long , I woke up in a hospital bed with a bunch of presents on the table but the thing that put me at ease even though I hadn't thought of it was seeing my father sleeping in the bed next to me. That day I cried like never before when I heard the horrible news that my father and I were the sole survivors and that my mother and sister had passed away.

From then I was traumatized to the point I would have nightmares almost every night and even though I had a few friends at school I was always alone with no one to play with or do anything with and this is how I ended up talking to myself and trees since I had no friends at home , this is also why some people stayed clear from me and why some people thought I was delusional but I was merely trying to coping with the pain but a few years later I started to be happy.

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