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I got really bored and sad with Max not being around anymore and that's how my pain returned to me but even though he was gone I was still happy because there was a new girl in my class and to me she was beyond beautiful and I had fallen for her. She had completely seduced and captivated me both mentally and emotionally. One would ask , what does a child who is only in the second grade know about love and beauty ? Well I surprisingly knew a lot. At home I would constantly watch romance movies and shows were a girl and a guy fall for each other and either end up together or either one of them dies or they both die.

She stood in front of the class and said " hi everyone my name is Kate Abrahams and I'm new here its a pleasure to meeting you all , I will be in your care " and then I immediately tried to talk to her and seem cool but now I feel I looked a little dumb. From then on I would try and sway her or flirt with her but she would always turn me down. At the time I realized that she didn't like at all but that's exactly what I loved the most about her , I loved the fact that she would never accept me , love me or even give me the time of day and I loved that because I loved a challenge and I wanted to feel the satisfaction one gets when they complete a long tiring task. I was infatuated with her and when valentines day come around I went to ask her out and I made a really nice card and bought her some sweets but alas she turned me down again.

Every valentines of every year I would ask her out but she would reject then cry and say " I don't love you why don't you get it I could never love someone like you " then she would gossip and make fun of me with her " cool " friends but surprisingly I didn't care as much because she only sat and laughed with her friends she never actually said anything about me. Well it isn't that she never said anything about , I just never heard say anything
They say words are man's strongest weapon for they can move without feet and they can harm without arms or hands and in my case words only truly hurt to the point that I would lose control of my emotions and burst into tears only when people teased me about my appearance or said something about my mother but who at that age was in complete control of their emotions ? But than I really didn't care at all what people said about me but one day Kate was with her friends and they were talk about something but since it didn't concern me I didn't listen much but then I heard Kate say " I wonder how and why Sora is so ugly and why won't he stop asking me out ? " I was hurt and disgusted. Kate saying those things about me really hurt me but I showed no emotion for the whole day , it was almost as if I was a cold statue but when I got home and went to my room , I burst out into tears. At the time I thought to myself : " I guess I'm not that strong " . Surprisingly I was way more concerned about my mental state then the fact that some girl was out there smearing my name in the mud. I chose to forget that, that day had ever happened and then I went to watch a movie.

In the movie I watched there was a guy who tried to make a girl jealous by dating and constantly hanging out with her best friend
And in the end it worked so I did the same for two long years and sure enough I did get close to her best friend but she didn't seem to care, she even became nicer to me but in the end I fell for her best friend and when I professed my love for her she rejected me , so I went back to Kate and she too rejected me and then I finally gave up

At the time I was naive and thought things would eventually go my way but they never did , I continued to pursue her as if she were a trophy to be won, only later in the seventh grade did I realized that I didn't really love her I was simply obsessed with her and I was looking for something to numb my pain and preoccupy my mind and it just happened to be her.

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