Our Little 'Incident'-Part 1

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A boy with long hair was walking around the streets, seeing what there was for him to do. He was fourteen, and seemingly pretty bored.
It's kinda cold out. It doesn't matter anyways, I'll be back home soon.

Muichiro's head swirled with thoughts about his older brother. He hadn't been the same since their parents died. From what he remembers, they were violently stabbed to death.

They watched them die too. It was a long time ago, and someone broke in their home. In a rush of panic, their mom hid them in the closet. Unfortunately, the killer heard and stormed into their room. The rest...the rest you don't want to know. Pretty cruel way to go..don't you think? They were 10 at the time, and Yuichiro refused to have a foster parent.

Child Services saw he was clearly capable despite being so young, and decided they would check in once a month. They payed for the apartment, school, food, everything. But Muichiro's mind was solely focused on Yuichiro.

Lately, he had been out more often, and came back late. Mui asked about it, but his brother just shooed him away. It was a little hurtful, to say the least. The boy sighed, and finally lifted his head up, only to be surrounded by un-familiar surroundings.

Eeeh? Where am I? Shit. I wandered too far out! And my phone..I left it on charge. Now lost and confused, he began to search for signs of life. But, now he was in a run-down part of the city. Nearly nobody sane lived here. It was all the nasty, gross stuff that happened here. Mui shuddered, and froze. I hear someone. It was very faint, but it was definitely there. Muichiro ran off to find it, making his way through the dark, menacing buildings. The voice was like mumbling, and it was from an alley. It was very long, and there was someone at the very end. Muichiro knew from the horror movies he's watched to never step inside one. But, curiosity gets the better of him as he creeps towards them, stepping over sharp bits of glass, needles, and alcohol bottles. What he sees makes his eyes widen.

Two boys, one a little taller then him and another a lot taller then him have their backs turned. But their clearly holding something, and it's suspiciously shaped like a gun. That's the first red flag. Second,their is a living person, tied up and gagged, looking terrified. Third, the walls are splattered with dark liquid. The shorter boy says something to the captured man, and raises his gun. "This is for assaulting those girls...bitch." A single, loud shot rings out. The force from the bullet is tremendous, because blood splatters everywhere.

Muichiro has his hand over his mouth..willing himself not to scream. Slowly, but not too slowly, he begins to step backward. Making his way out. But, sometimes, when people are scared or nervous, they forget important details about there situation.In our instance, Muichiro forgot the glass. He slips on a green, crystal bottle. Fear and panic rise in his chest as the two snap around at the soft thud.

They are wearing masks, so it's hard to tell what they look like. But one is definitely blonde. "Stop him, you idiot!" Muichiro gets up really fast, and starts to sprint. A sharp pain goes up his ankle, nearly causing him to trip up. Muichiro was always the fastest kid in his class, so running was easy for him. But, his pursuer —A blonde boy who went by Zenitsu,— was also pretty fast.

Not as fast as the younger one, but he definitely could catch up. The alley was a long one, so they still had a bit of running to do before they made it out on the street. With a push of speed, Zenitsu was able to sprint forward and grab Muichiro's arm, jerking him back. The other was certainly surprised, but he was able to adapt to the change. He ducked his head, and freed his arm quickly. He ran the other way, his initial plan to juke him again. He felg a light drop on his head, which turned into nearly a hundred.

Soon enough, his hair was damp, sticking to his face and back. He internally panicked, worried he would slip if his messy hair would interfere. It reminded him of a happier time. Muichiro and his family were sitting on the floor, when Muichiro was complaining about his hair. His parents thought it was funny, because hr refused to cut it but complained anyways. Yuichiro wasn't much help, he was either laughing with his mom and dad, or scolding Mui. He remembered his mom playfully teasing him about forgetting to comb his hair, or putting it up. The urge of sadness was over washed with more fear, when he bumped into something.

It couldn't be the wall, he would've seen the corpse. That's when Muichirou registered his mistake. I forgot there were two. Quickly, the talker boy forced Muichiro's hands behind his back, and clamped a damp cloth to his nose and mouth. He turned to the blonde boy. "Zenitsu, clean up the body." "Whaaat! Whyy? He is so gross...I don't want to touch him!" He whined, receiving an eye roll from his friend. They continued to argue quietly, and Muichiro became dizzy. What..chemicals are..in this c..loth? Those were his last conscious thoughts, as he slumped in the other boy's—Genya's— arms.

The taller boy gently leaned him against a wall, and slipped his jacket off. He put the jacket on Muichiro, and scooped him up bridal-style. "Zenitsu, hurry up. This one's going to catch a cold in the rain." His friend groaned, and finished burying the body, and getting rid of the blood-stained gloves. He turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? You never did that for anyone else, hm?" He got a another eye roll, the misty rain hiding his embarrassment.

"Shut up simp." The two resumed their banter, running all the way back to their destination.

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