3rd times the charm?

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2 times Genya tries to talk Muichiro.
The 1 time he does.

Genya remembers him, the boy from the final selection. Bright-eyed, cheery Tanjiro. He grimaced, the memories they had of eachother weren't exactly, good ones per say.
Briefly, he wondered why he was in with the insect hashira. Maybe he didn't care enough to ask, or maybe he was too ashamed. He personally preferred the former himself.
That day in particular, he had been informed to send a message from Gyomei to the other Hashira. The thought kind of irked him, as why he had to do it specifically. They had crows, did they not? He could have been training, now he had to wander to each and every estate, searching for a hashira that may not even there. But, he was almost finished. The last hashira he was due to visit was Muichiro, the mist hashira. He had seen him once, and was astonished at how young he was. A Hashira, at 14, ranking higher than fully grown adults. He had never spoken to the mist hashira, but had heard rumors of him. They said he was blunt and stubborn, and forgetful. Despite this, Genya had grown a sense of admiration for him. So accomplished, and really pretty too. He had almost thought him a girl at first. His long hair and all. He blinked, stopping himself from smacking straight into the door. He was a bit excited to be honest, as he had never spoken to him before. He knocked, shifting on his feet awkwardly as he waited.
When the door did open, it was not Muichiro. It was the doctor girl, Aoi was it? Her strikingly blue eyes bore into his skull.
"Hi? Can I help you?" She asked, still staring him down. He tried hard not to shrink from her intimidating gaze while he answered.
"I have a message for the hashira of mist, is he here?" It seemed on cue, a burst of faint coughing rose up deeper inside the estate.
"He is here, but you are forbid to see him. As you can hear, he is sick."
"No, I'm fine." The protested voice was so monotone, but sounded like it had been incredibly painful to say. Genya deflated, bit tried hard to ignore the dissapointment.
"That's okay. Is he fine though?" Aoi looked back cautiously, then shut the door to step out.
"Honestly, no. It's a simple fever I believe, but it has been a while. He has started coughing up blood now." She says in a hushed tone, eyes falling to her feet. The taller boy feels awkward, not knowing how to comfort a worried girl.
"I-I can get wisteria? For medicine?" Her eyes light up so fast, they practically blind him.
"Yeah, got it." He basically all but sprints away, heat rising in to his face. He feels stupid for even assuming he could talk to him, the message completely slipping his mind. He doesn't intend on going back again, not for a while at least.

The second time is when he first arrived at the swordsmith village. Genya had come to replace his gun, as it had shattered during a battle. That was when he'd seen Muichiro. It seemed he had just arrived, as the blindfold was still over his eyes. He watched as he climbed off the Kakuchi, spilling a mumbled thank you past his lips. All with the blindfold on. Genya found it rather odd, the Kakuchi staring with concern.
"Ah, do you need help with that?"
"No. Thank you again."
He turned away pulling the strips of cloth away from his eyes. His crow perched on his shoulder - Ginko was it? -  taking the peices from him. Muichiro blinked, as if his eyes were adjusting to the light. To be honest, Grnya thought his eyes were unfairly pretty. Even if they were dull, people would genuinely kill for eyes like that. They reminded him of the ocean's waters.
Speaking of his eyes, currently they were in contact with his own, his head tilted in confused.
(Ginko was also staring him down, but in a far more malicious way. Genya chose to pointedly ignore that though.)
Muichiro walked closer, opening his mouth as if to speak, when Genya felt a tugging at his sleeve.
"Sir? Um, your swordsmith is ready for you..."
A child, looking down shyly at his feet, fiddling with yellow sleeves. Genya couldn't find the will to reject him, and internally did not want to confront the hashira. He crouched down to the child's level.
"Okay. Can you show me where..?"
"Kotetsu. My name is Kotetsu. Come, I'll show you."
Genya has the slightest hint of a smile on his face as Kotetsu dragged him by the sleeve, all sign of shyness gone. He chattered on and on about the different sword smiting techniques,  pointing out different things to Genya.
It reminded of one of his younger brothers.
This time, the memories weren't so painful to think about. It also kept his mind off of Muichiro, who he was resisting the urge to go back and talk to.

Killing the UPM4 had drained Genya, mentally and physically. To be honest, he had no idea what he was doing. After watching Tanjiro hug his sister,
(a demon, in sunlight! He was so happy that she didn't wither to ashes, Tanjiro would've been crushed.)
He had found no resolve. He had heard some yelling on the other side of the cliff, and found himself drawn to it. The smaller clearing by the edge contained a very, very irritated swordsmith. He wasn't necessarily yelling anymore, but Genya could feel  the anger surrounding him. He wa terribly injured, and another swordsmith was trying to talk him down from his rage. On the side closest to the trees, was the mist hashira and young boy.
Muichiro was paler than a ghost, the ghost of blood still there on his face.
The smaller boy was trying hard to carry him on his back, and was failing terribly.
Genya recognized the child. His name was Kotetsu. The child that had distracted him on his first day here. It was physically painful for Genya to watch him try again and again.
It seemed to be for Muichiro as well, as he swatted the boy away with hid hands.
"Ugh, I'll just help myself. Go away Kotetsu-kun."
"I'll help."
Muichiro's eyes widened, as he was surprised he had sensed him sooner. The poison really had affected him. The numbness had finally started affecting his limbs, and it was hard to walk.
Genya walked over, and grasped his elbow gently, to help him up. As much as it killed his pride, Muichiro knew there was no way he could walk down the cliff, towards the clearing where the Kakushi would soon arrive, without tripping and possibly killing himself on the way.
He got up slowly, leaning on Genya for support.
"Thank you..?"
Muichiro smiled ever so slightly. Genya. So that was his name.
"Genya. Thank you."
"For what? I'm not done yet, Tokito-kun."
The poison had definitely started to affect him, as he nearly yelped when he felt pressure behind his knees, being hoisted up into the air. Kotetsu laughed in delight, pointing out the small, fast group of people in the distance.
"Kakushi.." Muichiro muttered softly, laying his head down on Genya's back.
"Come on, Kotetsu. Let's get you checked out, hm?" Genya said casually, praying no one noticed his blooming cheeks.
Kotetsu practically beamed, running far ahead, ignoring the protests of a worried Kanamori. He had caught up with Kotetsu,
leaving the two alone.
As they hiked down the cliff, he could feel Muichiro's breath eventually slow and even out, indicating he had fallen asleep. Genya was happy, as he had clearly been injured severaly. He was also happy that Muichiro trusted him enough to fall asleep with him.
It wasn't much, but it was progress.

Hihihihi! It's been forever since updating... did you all miss me?

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