Our Little 'Incident' --Part 2

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"Oh? Who is that?" A small woman asked, sitting at what seemed to be like a science experiment. The two, rain soaked boys she was talking to exchanged glances, and gave her a look. She nodded her head, her purple butterfly clip bouncing up and down. She glanced at the unconscious boy in the taller one's arms."...Isn't that..?" A loud ring came from a phone, and she rushed to pick it up. She immediately engaged into conversation, and pointed to the back. Genya and Zenitsu walked down the long, white hallway, Genya stopping at the first room. "See ya, Zenitsu." The blonde boy nodded, and flounced off somewhere. Carefully making sure he wouldn't drop him, Genya unlocked the door and stumbled inside.   The room was a pale purple, dotted with bits of darker purple, yellow, and white. Genya laid the sleeping boy in a bed, and threw a grey blanket over him. Genya rest his phone on a charging pad, watching it light up as notifications buzzed in. He took a glance at the boy again, and tilted his head. He was a fast one. Good at strategy. His weaknesses are that when he panics, he forgets things. Also, his small body. His mind flashed back to moments earlier that night, and remembered the rain. He lifted up the blanket, and gently peeled off his wet jacket. Thankfully, his clothes weren't that wet, and had dried. Still, he needed others. The scarred boy walked to a drawer, and pulled out a blue sweater, a T-shirt, and sweatpants. He placed them on the side of the bed, and changed quickly. When he was finished, he was curious and a little worried. It's been almost an hour, the chemicals shouldn't have lasted that long. He kneeled down in front of his face, bewildered. But, just as he was going to get up, Muichiro blinked, and his eyes widened in surprise.

For a moment they just started at each other, Mui's teal eyes meeting Genya's purple ones. "What are you doing!?" He suddenly demanded, sitting up very quickly. A huge wave of dizziness hit him like a slap in the face, and he nearly fell off the bed. God. Why am I so dizzy? Genya tilted his head to the side, confused. "Are you alright?" He asked, watching the younger boy support his head with his palm. At the sound of his voice, Mui shifted to the farthest corner of his bed, wishing he could disappear. "Uhm, you don't look too well. You should lie back down." It was clear to Genya Muichiro was 'scared' of him, but he really didn't look too well. "..What's your name then?" Muichiro looked hesitant, but even he could tell this boy meant no harm. "..Muichiro." "Your name sounds familiar, but I'm Genya!" He smiled, which caught Mui off guard. He shivered, and Genya motioned to the clothes at the foot of the bed. Genya left the room quickly, to let Muichiro change. He was very hesitant, but didn't want to stay in wet-ish clothes. Genya hasn't come back yet. His eyes flitted around the room, looking for a phone of some kind. The one he saw earlier wasn't there anymore.
If I scream really loudly, will people come to check it out? Knowing the chances were pretty low, he still went through with it. It seemed the minute the sound left his lips, Muichiro felt his back being slammed into a wall, something soft-ish on his face. "Are you crazy? Do you know how late it is?" A familiar voice hissed, his eyes meeting Muichiro's. Shit. He caught up to me. He's not letting me breathe. In an attempt to get him off, Muichiro raised an arm and gave him a harsh slap to the face. It did work, but they were still pretty close to each other. "Ouch, that hurt." He said quietly, moving away. The silence between them felt long and awkward. But, truthfully, Muichiro did feel a little bad for slapping him. "Hey, sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything." Muichiro looked up surprised. He's saying sorry? I thought I would be dead by now. Why is he so nice? Admist his confusion, he had said last words out loud. "Because, I don't want to hurt you. I uhm, kidnapped you because I was scared you'd call the cops." Seriously? I saw a murder obviously I'm going to the cops. This time he didn't reply though, and let him explain. "The cops in this town mean well,but they are pretty oblivious to things. So, a group of people started a 'gang', as you might call it. It's like the police, but we can actually get the job done." Shock was what Muichiro felt. Now, he felt really bad for slapping him. However, he was too embarrassed to say anything and just looked down. As Genya finished talking, someone basically kicked down his door. "Oi! What are you doing with my younger brother?" A familiar, angry voice asked. Both boys turned to look at him, and Mui seemed very happy. "Nii-san!" Before the words left his lips, someone was already hugging him very tightly. "Muichiro. Never ever do that again. Do you understand?" He still sounded mad, but his voice was tinted with relief. "Yuichiro, I promise you I didn't mean anything at all-"  Yuichiro gave Genya a dirty look, but sighed. "Fine. If I see you around my brother, I will actually kill you. Got that?" Genya mumbled a 'yes sir' and Muichiro smiled. Overtime, Muichiro was taught how to use a gun and things, to join their organization. He was pretty happy there, and made new friends. He got closer with Genya, even if they didn't have a good relationship in the beginning. They did end up dating, though Yuichiro was not very happy.

A/N: THIS IS SO BAD - But I rushed and felt bad for not posting that much. I will get most the requests done don't worry! And about my other GenMui book, It will be out soon! Ily you guys <3 •Authour

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