Villain Rehabilitation

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Reminders of which characters are which:
Raimi-(Name) is Tobey Maguire's y/n
Webb-(Name) is Andrew Garfield's y/n

Many locks release on Happy Hogan's condo and the door opens. The villains hustle inside, past the security camera with Electro looking directly into it. The spider-women enter with Aunt May bringing up the rear.

"Where's Connors?" Peter asked her. "He told me he wants to stay in the truck." Aunt May replied. "Okay." Peter said. "Alarm system deactivated." A robotic voice said.

"Hey, May?" Peter whispered as he closes the door. "Yeah?" She asked. "I feel kinda bad using Happy's place like this." Peter said. "No, no, no, he'll get over it." Aunt May reassured him.

Electro shoots energy at the TV, and shorts it out. "A majority of New Yorkers oppose the Statue of Liberty's renovation." A News Anchor said on the TV. "What's with the shield?" Webb-(Name) asked, looking at the Statue of Liberty on the TV.

Sandman sits on the black leather sofa and sand falls everywhere. "Oh...sorry." He said and tries to brush it off the sofa, unsuccessful. Norman puzzles over DUM-E in the kitchen.

Raimi-(Name) was looking at a childlike drawing hanging in the kitchen, with a little smile. Doc Ock, scowling, was still wrapped into submission by his own tentacles. "So this is your plan, Peter? Hmm? No lab, no facilities, just performing miracles in a condominium? Hmm? What, are you going to cook us some cures and some frozen burritos in a microwave?" He asked, angrily.

"I could go for a burrito." Norman interjected. "He's gonna kill us all." Doc Ock told him. "Well, let's hope not. You're up first, Doc." Peter said, patting him on the shoulder as he pass him.

"What? Hey, I told you, I don't need fixing. I don't need fixing!" Doc Ock yelled, but Peter ignored him and walks into the storage room, Raimi-(Name) joining him.

Doc Ock fumes. "Especially by a teenager using scraps from a bachelor's junk drawer." He said and Electro follows after the heroes. "Nah, nah, nah. He got something back there. I can feel it. That weird energy."

In the storage room, Peter removes a tarp from the large case marked; Stark Cases. Webb-(Name), Norman, Electro, and Aunt May enters the room. "What the hell is that?" Raimi-(Name) asked.

"It's a Fabricator." Peter replied and he presses a button on the case, it unfolds to reveal a Stark Fabricator, powered by an Arc Reactor. "It can analyze, design, construct basically anything." Peter continued.

"I thought that was the tanning bed Happy broke." Aunt May said. On the fabricator: readouts come alive, sections open and extend outward, growing to full size. Electro's eyes light up at the sight of the arc reactor. "Look at that." He whispered and Webb-(Name) looks at him, warily.

The unfolding machine keels forward and punches a hole in the kitchen wall. Doc Ock glares. "He's gonna kill us all." He muttered.

Later that night, Peter and Raimi-(Name) were working together at the Fabricator. There is a holographic scan of Doc Ock's compromised chip. "And then my Peter and I pulled the plug. The sun imploded, destroying the reactor." Raimi-(Name) had given the run down of the found family she had found in Otto and Rosie and how it was ripped away from her the day the demonstration came.

Peter, Webb-(Name), and Norman were listening intently, as if they were listening to critically acclaimed drama. "Otto drop to the floor, unconscious and Rosie..." Raimi-(Name) said, going quiet and looking at the hologram to avoid everyone's gaze.

"It's don't have to say anymore." Peter said, softly. He knew very well the pain she must've endured and still carries with her today. "Wow...that was really powerful stuff." Webb-(Name) muttered, wiping her eye.

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