Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

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Reminders of which characters are which:
Tobey Maguire's is Raimi-Peter & Raimi-(Name).
Andrew Garfield's is Webb-Peter & Webb-(Name).
Tom Holland's is MCU-Peter.

"'Sup, Pete?" Electro bolts into view, the arc reactor mounted on his chest. "How you like the new-new?" He asked then he looks at The Box. "Look, you give it to me, I'm gonna destroy it." Electro said and laughs. "But I'll let you live. Don't make me a murderer, Peter."

MCU-Peter pulls on his mask and swings off with The Box. He calls out to the other spider-people over their comms. "Okay, guys. Here he comes." He said as Electro chases after him. On the scaffolding, the Raimi-Spider-Couple and Webb-Spider-Couple pull on their masks and swing into action.

Webb-Spider-Man launches at Electro. "Hey, Max! I missed you, man...Whoa!" He webs out of the way, just before ZAP! Electro barely misses him.

"All right, MJ! Heads up!" MCU-Spider-Man said as he reaches a portal by the crown. He tosses The Box through through the portal and MJ catches it. Both her and Ned were still in the lab at the high school. "Got it! Close it." MJ said and Ned starts moving his arm in circles, like before. But the portal won't close.

"Uh...Ned, it's not closing." MJ said, nervously. "Yeah, I know." Ned said, also nervous. "Why isn't it closing?" MJ asked. "I don't know, I..." Ned said, panicking. "Did you close it before?" MJ asked. "No, I mean, I've opened some..." Ned replied.

At the watery base of the statue, Lizard leaps out of the water. Electro continues to shoot electric currents at the Webb-Spider-Couple, who dodges them. They drop down on the crown. "Max! Max, Max...can we just talk for a second? Just you, me, and her, just..." Webb-Spider-Man said.

"Look who showed up! My old friend, Spider-Man." Electro sneered. "We're trying to save you, Max. That's all we ever wanted." Webb-Spider-Woman said. "You're not trying to save me." Electro said. "We are." Webb-Spider-Man said.

"You ain't even the shit no more!" Electro spat and they sigh, dropping their heads. "Don't worry about me. I saved myself. Burn up!" Electro said and he zaps a bolt at them. Flames are licking them the couple's heels as they dive away.

"Well, we got his attention. Now what?" Webb-Spider-Woman asked. "Okay, great!" Raimi-Spider-Man said as he and his wife are swinging. Then suddenly something grabs Raimi-Spider-Woman's leg and she looks down to see Lizard hanging off her.

"Uh, just FYI...Lizard guy's here too!" She said and kicks Lizard loose, sending him slamming onto the arm of a nearby crane. The Raimi-Spider-Couple drops down above him, quickly backpedaling as Lizard advances. "Guys, comm check! Hello?!" Raimi-Spider-Man said.

MCU-Spider-Man on the scaffolding, watching as the Webb-Spider-Couple flips and webs their way around Electro's pummeling bolts. "We need Max's cure!" Webb-Spider-Man said. "Yeah! I'm on it!" MCU-Spider-Man said, looking to the crane.

The Raimi-Spider-Couple frantically crawls away from an approaching Lizard. "Peter, we need the Lizard cure!" Raimi-Spider-Woman said. "Uh, okay, okay!" MCU-Spider-Man said, torn on who to help first.

But before MCU-Spider-Man can decide, Sandman's massive fist smashes into him, sending MCU-Spider-Man over the ledge of the scaffolding, where Sandman clutches him in mid-air. "Where's The Box, Peter?" He asked. "Flint, we can help everyone!" MCU-Spider-Man said. "I don't care!" Sandman growled.

The Webb-Spider-Couple slingshots their way past them, Electro in hot pursuit. On the crane, the Raimi-Spider-Couple battles Lizard. Just as MCU-Spider-Man webs the crane, trying to pull himself out of Sandman's tightening grip.

The Webb-Spider-Couple swings through and are clotheslined by MCU-Spider-Man's web. They're both flung backwards and begin plummeting. The Webb-Spider-Couple webs a new line and Webb-Spider-Woman's web hits Raimi-Spider-Man in the face!

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