What About MCU-(Name)?

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After getting his GED, Peter enrolled into college. He was still keeping his distance from people, wanting to never have to go through the pain of losing someone again...but that mindset is soon about to changed.

Peter was making his way through campus, his earbuds in as he admires the view of the collage. Then suddenly his eyes lock on to something, causing him to come to a halt. Peter's eyes widen in wonder and awe, his jaw dropping open slightly.

On the college steps, sat a girl reading. Peter stares at her, mesmerize. Like he was seeing something otherworldly. Then he blink and shook his head, trying to remind himself of what could happen. He couldn't bring himself to get close MJ or Ned again, this girl can't be any different.

So Peter continued on his walk trying to forget the girl, but somehow his body moved all on his own and before he knew it, he was standing next to the girl, who was still reading her book.

Peter bit his bottom lip as he tried to walk away, but no matter how much his brain told him to leave...his heart told him stay. Peter removed his earbuds and reach his hand out to tap the girl on her shoulder.

"Just a second." The girl said, quickly reading the page she was on, before looking up at the nerve wrecking boy next to her. "H...h...hi. I-I I'm...I..." Peter stammered, sweating bullets as his brain scrambled to find something say.

"You're face is very interesting." He mumbled, giving a smile that was reminiscent to Webb-Peter's smile when MJ threw bread at him. The girl stares up at Peter confused, then she starts laughing. "Never heard that one before." She said, through her giggles.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to say that! I-I...my mind just went blank and I just said the first thing that pop in my head so I wouldn't look like a completely idiot." Peter explained, trying to save himself from completely embarrassing himself.

"It's okay. My brain likes to crap out on me too when I'm talking." The girl replied, with a smile that made Peter want to melt into a puddle. "Uh...what are you reading?" He asked, taking a seat next to her before his legs can give out on him.

"T.S Eliot, it's for english literature. I wanted to take science but my Uncle is afraid I'll turn out like my Dad so he made me take English." The girl explained, looking back at her book. "Get a load of this..." She said, and held up her book as she begins reading one of the passage out load. "Time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future."

"What does that even mean?" Peter asked, looking at the book utterly confused. "I have no idea." The girl replied, closing the book and setting it aside. "So, what's your story?" She asked, resting her elbow on her knee and her chin in the palm of her hand.

"Oh uh...I live on my own and majoring in science." Peter replied, trying to restrain from going into too much detail. "Ooh Mr. Independent here." The girl said, causing Peter to give a bittersweet smile. "Yeah...yeah that's me." He muttered and held out his hand. "I'm Peter by the way. Peter Parker."

"(Name) (Last Name)" The girl replied, taking Peter's hand and shaking it. Peter's eyes widen as he stares at her in shock, not even noticing the small bite mark on the back of (Name's) hand.

"You okay?" (Name) asked, raising an eyebrow. "Y-yeah. I...I just...never heard a name so pretty like that one before..." Peter replied, as he finally starts to notices the resemblance of this (Name) and the other (Names) he met months ago. They look similar but also completely different, just like the other versions of Peter.

(Name) let out another giggle. "Really? Okay thanks." She said, then her phone beeps, letting her know it's time to go. "Well it was nice meeting you, Peter. I'll see you around." (Name) said, gathering her things up and walking down the steps. "Uh...y-yeah...see you later." Peter muttered.

Peter watch (Name) leave, as he begins to think on Raimi-(Name) and Webb-(Name). This meeting that started off normal for Peter now suddenly became haunting in his mind.

If both versions of himself ended up with a (Name) in their universe, was he always destined to end up with his (Name)? Were things never going to work out for him and MJ cause he was meant for (Name)?

The more Peter thought about the more he felt less control in his own life. One thing for sure...these college years will certainly be interesting.

MCU Spider-Woman Will Return

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