(1) Meeting

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I let out a sigh as I wipe the beads of sweat from my forehead. Even though I've lived here for two months, I still can't stand the heat of Columbia. I was annoyed that my parents decided to move our small family to a tiny town in the middle of a large valley, away from all other forms of civilization. They said it would be safer in Encanto than the city. I guess that's a good reason to move.

But that doesn't mean I don't miss home.

I walk down the cobblestone street alone. Holding a basket of laundry against my hip, I make my way back towards my family's newly built home.

"(Yn)! Hey! Wait up!"

I turn my head to find the source of the voice and see Mirabel Madrigal running towards me. Mirabel is the granddaughter of Alma Madrigal, Encanto's founder. A long time ago the Madrigal family was fleeing from some sort of conflict and were blessed with a miracle. A magical house known as Casa Madrigal was created, keeping Alma and the rest of the village safe from harm. The magic is embedded in a candle that sits atop Casa Madrigal that blesses all the Madrigal family with powers. As crazy as it sounds, it's true! But even crazier than that, Mirabel is the only member of her family without a magical gift. Despite that, she still tries her best to do her part in the community.

Mirabel finally catches up to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. "So whatcha up to?"

"Y'know, just trying to get my chores done. My mom will flip out if the laundry isn't done before the gifting ceremony tonight." I feel a jolt of excitement about being able to witness a gifting ceremony. "Speaking of which, how's Antonio doing? I hope the little guy isn't too nervous."

Mirabel fidgets with her hands. "I think the pressure's getting to him."

"He must be worried. After all, the last gifting ceremony didn't go as planned..." I mentally facepalm. Mirabel's gifting ceremony was the last one. "I mean...heh heh." I try to recover the sentence but it's too late. "Sorry."

Mirabel nervously chuckles. "W-what? Nooo...I'm fine! No biggie!" She says, trying to make it seem like it's alright.

"I'm sorry...really." I bite my lip. Nice one (Yn)...way to make things awkward with your first real friend in a new town.

Our conversation is interrupted when I walk right into an old man. The man falls onto the ground and changes into a boy about my age upon impact. I rub my eyes in disbelief. Was I going crazy?

"Camilo are you okay?" Mirabel quickly asks, leaning down to pull him up.

The boy, (er-Camilo) takes her hand. "I'm okay...I think," he says, dusting himself off.

"I'm so so so sorry!" I apologize quickly. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

Camilo chuckles. "It's okay, (yn). I'll be fine."

I tilt my head. "How did you know my name?"

"We've met before." Camilo says, shrugging his shoulders.

"We have? I know I've been meeting a lot of new people, but I'm pretty sure I would've remembered you."

"You probably met me while I was in a different form."

"Camilo's gift is shapeshifting." Mirabel chimes in. "He can basically make himself look like anyone!"

"Oh, so that's why I don't remember you, you're a part of the Madrigal family!" I exclaim. "I guess that would explain why you turned into someone completely different when I bumped into you."

"It gets confusing sometimes...especially when he pretends to be his siblings to get seconds and meals!" Mirabel jokingly elbows him.

"What can I say? My gift doesn't have to be used just for helping other people." Camilo says with a smirk.

I jump as I hear the church bell ring, signaling the top of another hour. "Yikes, I've gotta go if I'm going to finish this laundry before the gifting ceremony!" I exclaim. "See you guys later!" As I begin running down the street, I quickly stop and turn around. "Oh! It was nice meeting the real you, Camilo!" I smile and continue towards my home.

:-:Camilo's POV:-:

"Oh! It was nice meeting the real you, Camilo!" (Yn) exclaims, before running away.

That last comment.

The real you. Nobody's ever said that to him. Typically, people only noticed him when he was shapeshifting in a different form to lend a hand. Never when he was simply Camilo. The real Camilo. Who even was that? Camilo had always been so focused on who he could be, rather than what he already was. The boy couldn't even recall that last time someone had even noticed Camilo. Camilo felt his heart skip a beat and he smiled to himself.

"Camilo? Earth to Camilooo..." Mirabel teases, waving her hand in front of her cousin's face.

Camilo is snapped from his thoughts and glances over to Mirabel. "What?" He asks.

"Oh, nothing...you just seriously zoned out there," Mirabel smirks. "Anything or anyone on your mind?"

Camilo's cheeks turn as red as a tomato. "S-Shut up..." he stutters, shapeshifting into a little boy and running away.

:-:(Yn)'s POV:-:

I dig through my wardrobe, looking for a suitable outfit to wear. Something told me that tonight was incredibly important for the community. Well, that and the fact that Camilo was going to be there. I scold myself. "C'mon, (Yn)! Get ahold of yourself."

I finally settle on a long, bright (fc) skirt, covered in birds, and an off-the-shoulder top. I pull my hair back into a ponytail and tie an (fc) ribbon around it to secure it. I spin around in front of the mirror and shrug. Good enough, I think.

I hear my dad calling me from the kitchen and rush down from my bedroom. "Hey, Dad, what's up?" I ask, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Could you head to Casa Madrigal and bring this corn to Julieta? Your mom and I still have a couple of things to take care of here, but we don't want to keep her waiting." My dad asks as he places a basket of corn on the small kitchen table.

"Sure thing." I pick up the basket of golden-yellow corn and head for the front door.

"Thanks, sweetie." Dad says smiling at me.

The Real You (Camilo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now