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I woke up the next morning, a smile still on my face. I pushed the hair from my face and I got out of bed, climbing into the shower.

As soon as I heard the first cry, though, I rushed out. Wrapping my towel around me I ran into Alex's room, the water on my hair spraying everywhere.

"Al, what's wrong beb?" I asked her urgently.

She opened her mouth to speak, but instead barfed all over her comforter.

"Dammit," I mumbled under my breath.

Alex rubbed her stomach and began crying harder than she had been before.

Mentally saying, ah, fuck it, I dropped my towel.

"It's okay sweetie. Your belly hurts? A lot?"

She nodded.

I grabbed her comforter and quickly threw it in the washing machine, grabbing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt and pulling them on while I ran up the stairs.

Alex was standing in front of the toilet, and had been sick again. I grabbed some medicine from the cabinet and gave it to her to chew.

"I've got work today, Al, but I'm going to call someone to watch you. Okay?"

"Who?" She asked me.

Ally was working as well, and Dinah was babysitting her brother. Sighing, I decided on Lauren. This would probably make us official, or force us to, which I still had my doubts about. But honestly I needed her at the moment.

I carried Alex back to her bedroom, rubbing her back slowly. I set her down and grabbed a rubbish can, placing it beside her bed with a glass of water.

"I'm going to see if Lauren can come and watch you, okay beb?"

"Yes," Alex whimpered.

I left her room and rung Lauren.

"Hello Camila," She said brightly.

"Hey Lauren, listen I need a favour. You doing anything today?"

"Nope. What's up? You calling back 'cause you want some more of yesterday?" She teased.

Normally I'd have blushed, but I had one thing on my mind.

"No, Laur, Alex is sick and I've got work. Could you come over?"

"Of course. I'll be there in a few."

"Thank you, I'll be back for dinner."

Few minutes later, Lauren arrived, letting herself in and joining us in Alex's room.

"Hey there kiddo," She greeted Alex. "You sleepy?"

Alex nodded, her eyelids were drooping.

Lauren turned to me and kissed my cheek, making the butterflies reappear.

"I've gotta go now, Al, but I'll be back later. If anything's wrong just call me okay? Lauren will take good care of you," I kissed her forehead.

"Bye Mummy, love you."

"Love you too."

Lauren kissed my cheek again.

"Just can't get enough," She murmured. "Have fun."

I smiled at her, my cheeks flaring red.

I knew she'd be safe with Lauren. I'd known her for no longer than a week, but trusted her immensely.


I unlocked the door and hurried up the stairs, Alex's bedroom door open. I walked in, finding Lauren cuddled up to Alex, reading a book.

"Mummy!" Alex yelled as soon as I walked in.

"Hey, cupcake. Feeling better? Did Lauren take good care of you?"

She nodded her head, and Lauren looked very smug laying on her tiny bed.

"Thank you," I mouthed as I hugged Alex.

"I think it's time for me to go then. Hope you feel better Alex," Lauren said.

She stood up and gave Alex a kiss on her cheek. I put Alex back in her bed and followed Lauren down the stairs, closing her door.

"Thank you again."

"Anytime. Seriously," Lauren enforced.

"Listen, I just ... want to take it slow. And I know that's kind of hard-"

"Sure." Lauren paused. "You weren't exactly ready but you want it so sure. Of course. We'll take it slow."

"Yesterday was just a fluke. I just ... wanted you."

Lauren nodded, smirking.

"I could tell."

I gave her a shove out the door, but Lauren walked back in. She put both of her arms around my waist and her head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, holding her close to me.


"See you," I said, as she let go and walked out the door.

I watched her get in her car and safely drive away.




Alex lifted her head from my chest and her eyes met mine.

"Did you go on your date with Lauren?" She asked me seriously.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because you said you go on a date with someone you like. And Lauren, she told me, that she really liked you."

"She said that?" I demanded, my heart racing at her words.

Alex nodded, "she said she thinks you're beautiful. And she likes the way you care for me. And then she said she likes your lips and I felt sick again."

I threw my head back as I laughed.

"Well yes, I did go on a date with Lauren," I said.

"So you like Lauren?"

"I do," I confirmed.

"Good. I told you she was nice."

"Yes you did," I said, squeezing her cheek. "I guess I should start listening to you."

I put Alex to bed, looking at my beautiful girl one last time before turning out the light.

I climbed into my own bed, after pulling on pajama pants and an old t shirt. I unlocked my phone, and a medsage appeared.

"Hope Alex is feeling better, and hope you had a great night. Can't stop thinking about you. xo" -Lauren

My heart melted at the 'o' that had been added, as her other text had only been 'x's.

"It was, hope yours was too. I heard you like my lips. You're definitely not the person I thought you were. Sleep tight, xo."

"You too, baby." -Lauren

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