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I pushed open the door, the smell of coffee immediately overcoming me. I took off my damp coat, snowflakes melting on it from the heat of the shop.

I peered around, only for a second, then my eyes landing on her. Lauren was sat at a two person table in the centre of the store, a novel in her hand.

"Hey," I said, slightly out of breath from the run in from my car.

Lauren looked up, smiling, though remained silent. I leant over and kissed her lips.

"There we go," She grinned.

I sat down across from her and hung my coat on the chair. She closed the book she was reading and set it down in front of her.

"Where's Alex?" She asked me.

"Daycare," I told her.

Lauren nodded.

"I'm trying to warm her up to the idea. I haven't dated since before she was born, you know she's not used to it."

"She's not, or you aren't?" Lauren asked, raising an eyebrow.

My cheeks flushed at her words.

"Both, I guess. She's not used to anyone except my family, Ally, and Dinah in her life."

"I get it. If you just want to introduce me as a friend-"

"Well she doesn't exactly know what girlfriend means. But yeah, I guess we could do that," I agreed.

"Girlfriend?" Lauren repeated.

The words had completely slipped out of my mouth without me even realizing.

"Oh, um, I mean I just assumed, I guess we never really had that conversation," I stuttered nervously.

Lauren stood up and leaned across the table, putting her lips on mine. They lingered there for a moment before the pulled back, blushing.

"I like the word girlfriend."

Without another word, she stood up to get herself another tea, also bringing me back one.

"Thank you," I said, as I wrapped my cold hands around the steaming hot cup.

Lauren sipped her tea slowly, her eyes never leaving mine.

"What are you reading?" I asked her curiously.

"To Kill A Mockingbird," Lauren answered. "Have you read it?"

"I have," I said, nodding.

"It's good. I'm enjoying it so far."

"You don't really strike me as much of a reader," I admitted, giggling.

"There's a lot you still don't know about me, Camila."

"Then tell me," I told her.

Lauren sighed, "what would you like to know, love?"

"Where does your family live?"

"Back in Cheshire," She replied.

"Why'd you leave them then?" I asked.

Lauren shrugged, "I wanted a fresh start. My family aren't big fans of me."

"That's too bad."

"You're very lucky. If I'd been pregnant at 18 I'd have been kicked right out," Lauren said honestly.

"Well my parents weren't too happy either. Though it wasn't exactly my fault ..."

"Camila," Lauren said softly, reaching across the table and grabbing my hand.

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