Chapter 5

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I don't own any part of Harry Potter, I only own Henry, Georgia and Alice.


After the weird altercation after Potions, Professor Snape insisted I call him Severus, after I insisted he calls me Y/n. He then laughed and smiled, it made me like him even more. Anyway, so Georgia decided to skip the Hogsmeade trip so it is just going to be me, Alice and Henry. I had noticed recently how close those two have gotten and I don't been best friend close I mean romantically close, when we went to the three broomsticks, they sat close together. We all ordered butterbeer and Henry inhaled it making me and Alice laugh hysterically. People were coming in and out the whole time we were there, but when I happened to look over at the door one time a tall cleanly dressed man walked in, I hadn't recognised for a second that it was Professor Snape. I quickly order a firewhiskey and hide between Alice and Henry, my drink comes and I am quick to chug it down. "Afternoon, sorry to disturb you but Miss L/n, I was looking to have a word with you, I will be waiting outside. Take your time." I held my breath and nodded fearing I would regret any words that came out of my mouth, I look over and Alice was on the verge of crying as she had been laughing so hard, and Henry gave me a smug look which earned him a swift elbow to the ribs. I bite the bullet and I got up walked outside and found Severus leaning against a building waiting patiently. "Y/n." He said as I walked up to him, I admired how handsome he looked today. His winter attire was very attractive. 

"Yes, Severus?" I raise my eyebrow and wait for him to tell me why he pulled me away from Alice and Henry. He had a guilty look in his eye and something told me there wasn't a reason for his actions. 

"Y/n, you might be slightly mad at what I am about to say but just remember, I allowed you to call me by my first name, a privilege no other student has." I nod ushering him to get to the point, he gives me a cheeky, mischievous smile and says. "I kind of just wanted to see you and speak to you, alone." My face went red as I blushed. He wanted to see me. I smiled and lightened up a bit.

"Oh really, well you're lucky that I was basically third-wheeling in there, I guess we could spend time together if you like?" He lead me away from the three broomsticks and I started thinking about something to rile Severus up. What would happen if I just called him something like Sevy, or Sevykins, Baha, he would smack me into new Year. I chuckle to myself and Severus looks at me with his intimidating look. 

"You are to call me no such thing, Severus maybe even Sev on a good day but Sevy and especially Sevykins is a no go." I giggle and nod giving him a wink he looks at me sternly and I smile. 

"You know you will allow me to call you Sevy one day." I flirt and he raises an eyebrow looking down at me, he briefly looks at my lips then back into my eyes.

"Is that so?" He mutters and I nod with a cheeky smile plastered onto my lips, he rolls his eyes playfully and looks forward. I wanted to test him more, I begin to think about my feelings for him to see his reaction. Cmon Y/n, just tell him you like him. What's the worst that can happen? He rejects you, it wouldn't be the first time, you're used to it. Who am I kidding your just a mere student to him? I sneakily look at him, he looked conflicted as to if he was fighting with himself not to say something. 

Snape's POV.

You need to stop this Severus, either be honest with her or stop this. Get to know her what is the worst that will happen. She likes you, she even admitted it herself. "So y/n what is your favourite subject, be honest." I wasn't sure as to what her answer would be, however, Potions didn't seem likely. I assumed something like Herbology would be her favourite.

"I mean I enjoy all of them, well except divination but mainly potions because of the teacher plus I've learned some new things about myself I never knew." She wasn't looking at me whilst she spoke but I knew what she was talking about, her Amortentia. She seemed embarrassed by it and I didn't want her to be, I wanted her to be honest and trust me. We walked into Hogwarts and we walk to my office.

"You don't have to stay if you don't want to however, it would be a delight if you did stay. Your company is rather enjoyable." She slowly lifted her head to meet my eyes she then walked over to the desk closest and sat jumped up onto it. I smiled at her and looked down at the desk in front of me. 

"Would you like me to do anything for you, Severus?" She asked completely innocently but she sounded nervous her voice trembled a little.

"You can do whatever you like but may I ask a question first Y/N?" She nodded nervously. "Are you scared of me, you seem nervous around me and I want you to feel completely comfortable." I watch her and look into her mind knowing she would probably end up not telling me the truth, 

Of course, I'm shitting nervous. What was he thinking asking me that, I am alone in a classroom not only with the most handsome teacher in this school but he happens to be the person I like, maybe love? No, No that's not right I don't love Severus. I just like him a lot, you can't compare us though he is extremely attractive and I'm well me.

Her words made me ache, I looked at her and smiled weakly. "What makes you think that?" I spoke to her calmly hoping to not intimidate her. 

"Severus isn't it obvious, look at me, like really look at me as if you were just an average person passing by. I don't immediately scream attractive." I was speechless, how had someone so precious been so emotionally damaged. I get up from my seat and stood in front of her, I placed my hands on her shoulders so she would look at me. 

"Y/n, don't think like that. You are so incredible and gorgeous." I could see tears appearing in her eyes and I just wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly, she tightly holds on to me as she whimpers into my shoulders still trying not to cry.

Y/n POV.

As Severus pulls back he moves a strand of hair out of my face, my mind is racing with thoughts that I know he is reading. Just kiss him, don't let him go. He is letting you in so let him in. I let out a shaky breath. "Severus may I?" He hums in response I lean forward and kiss his lips, he took a moment but he kissed back, I went for it and placed my tongue asking for entry, he granted it and our tongues met and it was magic. He pulled away to catch his breath and we both started laughing he hand his hands firmly on my waist, I flashed him a big smile and he reciprocated it. 

"You know we have just changed everything Y/N? You won't be able to see me as just your professor again, you are aware of that right?" His words hit but it wasn't something I had thought about before, it wasn't a bad thing I've wanted this for so long. I lean in and peck his lips he looks at me in shock. I smirk, I knew what I wanted and it was Severus, not much can stop us. I'm 17 in a matter of weeks, I will get the trace removed then nothing can stop me from being with him. Jesus, 17 in a few weeks and another one without my parents. Severus looks at me and rubs my hip. Guess he didn't read my mind, for once. It will be just another stupid birthday, no one knows when it is anyway, just another day to show I'm one step closer to death. I heard Severus chuckle he gripped my waist tighter. "You may not want people to know but I am going to spoil you, darling, it can be our secret." I nod and he leans in kissing me. I smile against his lips and he then pulls back smiling.

I hate my past self for switching the POVs so many times. It looks so messy.

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