Number 5

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Eve had been sitting on Kates bedroom floor for about 2 minutes and had gotten very impatient waiting for her to wake up. Finally, Eve decided to throw a pillow at her face a scream. "Wake up!" Jumping and falling off of the bed, Kate cursed Eve for waking her up this early.

"Are you serious right now? Like actually serious?" Kate stood up and rubbed her eyes with her fists, yawning. "I hate you."

Eve laughed wrapped her blanket around her body. "No you love me Katie."

"No, come to think of it you're annoying and mean." She grabbed her phone off of the night stand and glared at Eve. "It's 7 in the morning. On a Sunday. A Sunday, Evelyne! It's too early for this." Flopping onto the bed, Eve threw another pillow at her. "Why!"

"Get up. I'm hungry."

Kate threw the pillow back and sat up. "Go get yourself food then."

"I don't want to see your mother."

Kate rolled her eyes and got up. "You're coming downstairs with me then."

"I just said I don't want to see your mom Katherine."

Kate grabbed Eve's wrist and pulled her out of the room. "You're fine come on."

"Ughhh." Kate started down the stairs with Eves wrist still in her hand, making Eve run into a wall. "Ow." Using her other hand she rubbed her forehead glared at Kate even though she didn't see her.

"Sorry." Kate let go of her wrist once they got to the last step and walked to the kitchen with Eve behind her. "Good morning mom."

Eleanor was sitting on the couch and turned her head to look at Eve and Kate. "Good morning girls."

Eve just smiled and walked into the kitchen. "I said I didn't want to see your mom."

"I said that you'll be fine. Suck it up Miss 'I Hate Everyone But They Don't Bother Me."

"I don't hate your mom."

"Good." Kate grabbed the ingredients for waffles and started mixing them together and turned around. "Do you want blueberries or chocolate chips in your waffles?"

"Umm, blueberries."


"Thank you." Kate dropped the mixing spoon in the bowl and turned her head, wide eyed and confused. "Why are you looking at me like that Katherine?"

She picked up the spoon and started mixing again. "There's no way you just said thank you to me this early in the morning."

"Oh I'm sorry, okay here it goes. I freaking hate you so much and I don't thank you at all for making me breakfast and I'm not going to eat it because I hate waffles with my whole heart and will never ever eat blueberries because they're definitely not my favorite fruit. Better?" Eve smiled and opened Kate's fridge.

"You don't like waffles? I can make something else it's fine."

"Katherine Bishop I love waffles, and where is your orange juice?"

"Okay good, and umm we ran out."

"Seriously?" Eve sighed and shut the fridge walking over to where Kate was. "Seriously?"

Kate slowly looked over and gave a small smile. "Yeah..."

"Dang it." She sighed at walked a few steps back and slid down the cabinets, sitting on the floor. "I wanted orange juice."

Kate gave a relieved breath and finished mixing and put the batter in the waffle maker. "I thought you were going to hurt me."

"With your mom in the other room? No way." Eve laughed at leaned against the cabinet.

"But you would if she wasn't in there?" She raised and eyebrow and gave a concerned look.



Eve smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

Kate stuck out her bottom lip and took out the waffles from the waffle maker. "That's not nice."

"I'm not nice."

Kate shrugged and smirked. "You said thank you earlier."

Eve rolled her eyes and laughed. "Shut up."

"Never!!" Kate handed Eve her food and skipped a little over to the table.

"You seem happy." She walks over to the table and sits down looking confusingly at Kate.

Kate gave a big smile of grabbed her fork. "I have waffles, of course I'm happy, can you go get the strawberries out of the fridge?"

"Yeah, hold on." Eve stood up, walked over to the fridge, opened the door and grabbed the fruit. "Here." She handed Kate the strawberries and sat down.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Both girls started eating and after a few minutes Eleanor walked into the kitchen and smiled. "I'm going to go to the store before it gets crowded okay?"

"Okay, don't die Mom."

Eleanor kisses the top of Kates head and walks out. "I won't!"

"Okay! Bye!"

"Bye, love you!"

"Love you too!"

After Eleanor leaves the girls go back to eating and a few seconds later Kates gets a call,
from Clint.

"Who's that?"

"Hold on." She answers the phone and puts it on speaker.


"Hey, why are you calling this early?"

"I'm coming over, I have something to tell you and I want to make sure you're okay."

Kates eyes go wide as she looks at Eve. "Umm, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Yeah I'm on my way right now."

"Clint, this is not a good idea."

"What are you not telling me?"

"Nothing, I'm fine you don't need to come over."

"I'm here, and I'm not turning around so."

There's a buzz by the elevator and Kate runs over to answer it. "Clint Barton I said I'm fine."

'I'm coming up if you'll let me.'

Kate hangs up the phone and presses the button allowing Clint to come up. "Evelyne throw the plates away and go hide. Like hurry."

The elevator dings and Eve runs up the stairs watching from the balcony as Clint walks in.

Hello. It's safe to say i don't like this chapter either so 😁 Anyways bye bye.

Also happy international florence pugh day!!

Have a good day, evening, night or rest of your day depending on where you are.

The Archers Enemy (A Kate Bishop X ocWhere stories live. Discover now