Home for Christmas

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Betty laid on the couch so her head was hanging off of it, holding the phone in front of her face. "I'm decorating for Christmas today," she said with a smile, and Jughead smirked tiredly. "I'm quite excited."

"I would be too if I wasn't so exhausted," he yawned and she scrunched up her nose.

"It's terrible that you're going to bed when I'm waking up."

"Welcome to the Maldives, my love," he grinned and she giggled, rolling over so she was lying on her stomach. "You seem like you're going to stir-crazy."

"Just a little," she sighed, waving him off. "I haven't gone on my run yet, it's still too early."

"I figured," he breathed, wiping a hand over his face. "You know I miss you like hell, right?"

"You could always come home," she said in a sing-song. "I don't go very far, I promise."

"I know, love."

She sighed and bit her lip, asking, "Where's Archie?"

"Asleep. He's been snoring for... God, thirty minutes now probably." She chuckled and he scoffed. "It's not funny."

"It is for me because you always used to snore in my ear. It's pay back." He laughed and her heart skipped a beat. "You know what sucks the most about this?" He hummed and she continued, "I can't touch you or smell you, that sucks."

"I don't think you want to smell me after we've been hiking all day-"

"That's not what I mean," she laughed, exhaling deeply. "Your shirts don't all smell like you anymore. They smell like me. And even when I use your body wash, they still smell like me. It doesn't make sense!"

"I'm just, like, really special," he said dramatically and she rolled her eyes. "I will be home soon, we're almost done with our trip."

"I wish I could have come," she muttered thoughtfully and he sighed.

"So do I."

"I don't know why I didn't go. We could have found a new apartment, we could gotten a new car, I could have put my life on hold-"

"No. No, you couldn't have. The first two things, yes. But the latter, no. I would never ask you to take a pause just so you can come do this... bro-trip thing Archie and I planned in college. As much as I would have loved it if you had come along, I would have been asking far too much from you. We have our own places we want to go to together, and I want to be there with you—just you. I promised you that this is what we'll do for our honeymoon and we will, I swear to God. We just have to give it time."

"Time takes so long," she groaned and he nodded in agreement. "I should let you go to bed."

"We can keep talking-"

"Jug, you're tired, I can tell. You need your rest, it's important."

"You know I rarely sleep."

"Take a melatonin and go to bed, for me," she said with a pointed stare that worked even across the phone with over 9,000 miles of distance between them. "I know you still have some."

"Doesn't mean it works," he grumbled, taking the bottle off of his nightstand.

"Go to bed," she emphasized. "And don't forget to take off your glasses. I don't want to watch you tape them again."

"They still work, don't they?"

"I love you," she whispered and he sighed.

"I love you."

Bughead OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now