Plus One (Part 1)

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Jughead groaned, frowning at the invitation on his phone. You're invited! It read. Join us for the wedding of Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge. Twenty-fifth of September at three o'clock in the afternoon. Dinner to follow.

He huffed, leaning back in his seat. He scrolled down on the email, tapping on the link that followed. He whined at what was on it, rolling his eyes.

He knew this was coming, it was only a matter of time before he got the invitation. What he didn't understand was why he had been telling the two of them for the past year that he had a girlfriend when he knew damn well that he didn't. He hadn't had a girlfriend since Toni and that was over a year and a half ago. They had stayed acquaintances, but she couldn't play his semi-secret girlfriend, Veronica and Archie had both known that he and Toni split a while back.

He glanced back down at his phone, staring at the RSVP. He could just put plus one then say she had a last minute switch up, but then that'd be a waste of money on Veronica and Archie's end, it wouldn't be worth it.

He could just RSVP for himself only and lie and say that they broke up shortly before the wedding—but they would want stories and the night would be filled with them being sorry.

He rolled his eyes, downing the drink he had in his glass before RSVPing with a plus one. He'd find someone, he was sure of it. He'd do it, even if it took him up to the minute he got to the wedding.

He pushed his phone in his pocket, the bartender stepping over to him. "You want another one?" she asked and Jughead sighed.

He glanced at the empty glass before nodding. "Just one, then I'm done."

"Mm," she hummed with a nod while she poured more beer into his glass. "You say that every night." He rolled his eyes jokingly and she took the money he handed her. "You know, you're the whole reason I pay my rent because you're here so much."

"See," he started after sipping from the glass, setting it back down. "You're making me sound like an alcoholic."

She raised a brow teasingly, leaning against the back counter as she cleaned a glass. "Are you?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "For you being here so much, I should know your name."

He nodded, agreeing as he said, "Fair." She smiled a little, watching him. "Jughead. Jughead Jones. Yours?"

"Ah, you're going to learn your bartender's name. Flirting?" He shook his head with a chuckle and she set the glass she had down. "Betty Cooper."

"I'll ask for you by name now, I guess." She rolled her eyes playfully and he sipped from his glass again. "I got a question." She raised her brows as an answer and he adjusted in his seat, folding his hand on the bartop. "What are you doing on September... fuck, hold on." He pulled his phone out, reading the invitation again. "September 25th?"

She giggled, sighing. "First off, I have a boyfriend so I should say no." He nodded with a wince and she shook her head. "And second, you do know it's only July 28th, right?"

He sighed, nodding. "It's for a wedding, my friend's wedding. I said I'd... bring a plus one and... I don't have a date."

"Well," she said, giving him a smile. "You have 8 weeks to find someone—preferably a single person, they can usually say yes." He groaned, dropping his head into his hands. "Don't like weddings?"

"I hate them," he huffed, shaking his head when he looked back up at her. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them, but..." he shrugged, sipping from his glass again. "I wasn't asking to be creepy or-or anything because we just exchanged names, I'm just asking because for the past year I've been telling them how I have a girlfriend, and they're going to expect to see her there." He shrugged and she sighed.

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