It's Just The Beginning

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I just want to give a quick PSA that this oneshot does contain smut. If that type of content effects you in any way, please do not read this. Thank you.


Betty smiled at her students as she put them on their busses, walking back to her classroom to collect her things once they were where they needed to be. She collected all her things and righted her skirt, thinking of everything she may want to take with her that weekend to Charles' wedding. She left that night and still hadn't packed, much to her parent's disappointment. But they didn't live with her and had no room to judge.

She hadn't been to Boston since they moved Charles from his dorm room to his apartment almost five years ago. She had, of course, talked to him in that time frame, just not very often. They were just small check-ins here and there to see how she was tolerating college and now, teaching first graders. It wasn't exactly her favorite thing but the kids were very sweet and she honestly couldn't ask for better students.

Betty was much closer to her sister Polly, whom she hasn't seen in person in almost three years, even if they lived less than three hours away from each other. After Polly had gotten married to Jason and they had their twins, no one saw much of her beside her Instagram stories packed full of the bubbly and gushing blonde. It was her favorite place to show off her family. But she finally got to see her this weekend and that may have been the most appealing idea to Betty.

She got into her car and set her bags down, texting her sub to make sure he could still come in tomorrow. When she got the okay she finally left, driving the fourteen minutes to her apartment, wincing when she saw the mess she left that morning. She cleaned it up quickly, throwing most of it into her suitcase.

Betty was very proud of herself for being ready and packed all in an hour, taking an Uber to the airport. She got there quickly seeing the drive was barely seven minutes and she was waiting for boarding long before Polly shot a text of her, the twins and Jason waiting in the line to get their bags checked. Polly was frowning in the photo, sending Betty another text stating she would have to deal with her parents on her own for an hour or two. Before she could respond though, her phone was ringing, Polly calling. She answered while biting back laughter.

"Texting wasn't enough for you today, Pol?" Betty teased.

"It's hard to text when you have a sleeping six-year-old on your shoulder." Betty nodded at her sister's words even if she couldn't see her. "Do you know if mom still has that double stroller from Charles and me and if I asked, do you think she would bring it?"

"They left this morning," Betty said sadly and Polly huffed. "I'm sure you can buy a cheap flimsy one and deal for the weekend. I'll buy it for you."

"No, we can handle fifty dollars, Betty. Plus, I can just take it back home with us, we need a smaller stroller anyway. I don't know why we even still use a stroller."

"Because they complain like their mom." Betty listened to Polly laugh at her husband's quip, waiting until the moment was over.

"My plane's boarding now, Pol. I got to go," Betty felt that she needed to end the awkward silence of the phone call.

"Okay, I'll see you there. Bye!" Betty nodded again, still knowing she couldn't see her. She ended the call and sighed, mentally preparing herself for the interrogation of a lifetime on why she was single.


Jughead got off of his plane and went straight to the baggage claim. He collected his things and avoided all people, walking out of the terminal just to find Charles waiting patiently. "You didn't have to pick me up." Charles was his best friend since childhood and was now pulling him into a hug. "Happy wedding weekend."

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