It's Not All Roses

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Jughead ran kisses from Betty's ear down to her hip, grinning at her full-body shiver. He raised up on his elbow, resting his head in his hand while he watched her stretch like a cat. It took her a short moment before she opened her eyes, smiling.

"Good morning, love." She was his weakness. His "soft underbelly" as Penny Peabody had said in high school. She was and he embraced it. Betty Cooper was one of the only people he deemed to never let get hurt. Whether it's from his actions or someone else's, she will never be treated like she was nothing.

"Morning." It would sound clipped and snappy but the roughness in his voice and his droopy eyes made it the most complete opposite of that. "Did you sleep well?"

Betty hummed, lying her arm over her eyes. Jughead closed the blinds behind them, Betty removing her arm. "What are we doing today?" Betty asked, already knowing.

"You're one hundred percent sure you want to go with me? I can go alone." He asked carefully while brushing a curl out of her eyes. Betty going into these heists with him, especially one as highly secured as this one, made him freakishly nervous.

"Yes. You need a distraction, right?"

"I don't want you flaunting your body like that though, Betts." Betty shrugged, a smile still proudly on her face.

"It's not really flaunting." Betty was just happy to be there. She was rarely included in Jughead and Sweet Pea's plans due to protective reasons. Jughead couldn't handle seeing her in the hospital or prison for his dumb crimes.

"I would like to comment on your dress." Jughead hadn't seen the red number until last night when it had been dropped. "If it's not ripped from me trying to get it off of you, you keep it and cherish that damn thing. This will not be the last I see of that."

Betty smiled, taking the drooling comment he gave. "I will keep it just for you. But don't rip it. It was kinda expensive."

Jughead chuckling, kissing her forehead. He reached over the edge of the bed, passing Betty his t-shirt that she pulled on with ease. She walked to the bathroom while Jughead ordered a small amount of room service and checked on Pea.

Betty fixed her lipstick in the mirror, watching Jughead glance over her as he walked past. She rolled her eyes, straightening. "Yes?"

"Hm?" Jughead looked genuinely confused as his attention was found again. "What are we talking about?"

"Why did you come in here?" Betty looked at him questionably and he shrugged. Betty gave a nod, biting back a laugh.

He was too busy taking in the aspects of Betty's dress to even notice the words she was saying. It was simple and red, making her pop. It had two thigh-high slits on each side, showing off the expanse of each of her legs. The heels gave her an extra height, making him grin.

"Jug?" He looked into her eyes, still getting dazed by the dazzling green. "Cars?"

"They're uh...manuals. Mustangs." Betty nodded, fixing a ring on her hand. "You cool with that? We can get you an automatic if you want."

"Don't think I can handle a "boys" car?" Betty raised an eyebrow, testing Jughead's words.

"I didn't say that. I didn't know you knew how to drive a stick shift." He stayed cool, knowing the game she was attempting to play.

"My dad is a car enthusiast. I grew up around manuals." Betty stepped towards Jughead and he opened his legs so she could settle between them. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders, his hands at her ribs. "Kind of disappointed I can't watch you drive."

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