Almost confessed

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Mikey laid on the couch with a wet rag on his forehead while Emma and Hina were discussing something, when Hina told Emma what happened with Mikey she suggested that she should stay over the weekend and help take care of Mikey.

Shortly after Mikey and Hina arrived at the Sano house, he collapsed. Worrying the girls instantly.

After Hina told Emma about how they met up and how they got to this point, she decided she wanted to make her sick, and not in his right mind brother, flirt with Hina. Or try. She would just have to wait for him to wake up.

And Emma decided to tease Hina a little while she could.

"So, Hina-Chan. Did you have fun with Mikey today?" She asked, sitting in the recliner. Seeming to be her favorite spot.

Hina was confused on why Emma would ask that, but she replied with a nod anyway. Making Emma smile a little.

"Did Mikey say anything weird to you? Or act off." She asked another question Hina was confused by.

"Well yes, because he's sick." She replied, furrowing her brows a bit.

What's with Emma-Chan today? Hina asked herself.

Emma wasn't done. "Are you sure? Didn't you say that his face got red when you got close to him?" She asked, again? What's whith these questions? Hina thought.

"Yes?" She questioned.

Emma opened her mouth to speak again, but was cut off by her brother sitting up and groaning.

Mikey looked a little confused, he was sick so didn't he really have control of what he said, so anything went.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Hinata?" Mikey questioned, sounding like he just woke up, but he had been in conversation with Hina and Emma for a few minutes now.

Hina was stunned, with her cheeks a little pink, she replied with a stutter. "B-because you just called me cute!!"

Mikey raised an eyebrow and Emma was still shocked at what was happening.

"So?" He said, lying back on the couch. Turning his body to face the girl so he could look at them while talking.

Mikey-Kun isn't being himself right now..there's no way he would casually say that. Hina thought to herself.

Not enjoying the silence, Mikey spoke again. "I didn't lie..." He said it so innocently, like he was a little kid. Which made Hina look at Emma.

"Is he usually like this when he's sick?" She questioned, to which the other nodded. Emma knew Mikey would act this way, which is why she asked Hina to stay. She just didn't know he would be so flirty.

Emma took the initiative to get her brother to confess to her bestfriend.

"So Mikey, what do you think about Hina-Chan?" She asked, looking back at him.

Mikey laid there for a second, thinking about what to say. "I think she's brave, outgoing and kind. She seems to always know what to do even in unthinkable situations. And she's pretty, really pretty." Mikey said the last part as if he was talking about a celebrity, making Hina blush, just a little. Wondering why her friend was acting this way.

Then he continued, "She's strong, and can become friends with anyone. She doesn't have high expectations for anyone, and believes in everyone. I think she's someone everyone deserves to have in their life." He said, smiling looking up at the ceiling.

Emma, satisfied with his answer, asked another question. "If someone hurt her, what would you do?" Mikey turned back to the two girls and dead panned. And replied in two simple words.

"Kill them"

He said it so emotionlessly that it kind of scared Hina, she knew that he had a soft spot for her, but she didn't know he cared that much.

Emma, again, asked another question.

"If Hina-Chan got into another relationship, what would you do?" She asked, Mikey turning his attention towards Hina herself this time. Looking a little sad.

He said this as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "I would cry." The girls were surprised by this.

Hina, confused as hell, was the one who asked a question this time. "Mikey-Kun..why would you cry?"

Mikey was silent for a second, then responded with something that made Emma internally face palm herself.

Mikey answered calmly, closing his eyes, once again sounding as innocent as a child, and so, so tired. "Because I like you, you're a good friend." Then fell asleep again.

Hina laughed a little, and Emma glared at him, knowing that she would have to find another way to make him confess to Hina.

"Mikey is protective of you, Hina-Chan. You're one of the only girls he's wanted to take care of protect like this." Emma said as she turned to Hina and smiled.

I'll get him to admit it, no matter how long it takes. Emma thought to herself.

Hina nodded and smiled a little. Understanding that other than her, he also cared about Emma, obviously. She's his little sister.

After a while of girl talk, Emma and Hina decided to watch a movie. So Hina walked over to the couch Mikey was on. She fell asleep about 10 minutes into the movie.

Mikey woke up to Emma sleeping in her favorite recliner, and Hina sleeping at the other side of the couch that he was on. He took his phone out from his pocket to realize that it was only 4 in the morning.

He noticed that Hina looked a little cold, so he took the blanket that Emma gave him hours ago, sat beside Hina and put half the blanket on her, and half on him.

After about 5 minutes of trying to go back to sleep Mikey felt Hinas head fall onto his shoulder, he thought that sleeping like that would hurt her neck, so he moved over a bit and put her head in his lap, putting most of the blanket on her this time, with his legs covered by it.


Hey there, you may be thinking that the story is moving too fast for being at chapter 6, but it's really not. I made this at like 12 am so I'm fixing it up and changing things.

See you in the next chapter!

Couldn't stop myself from falling (Mikey x Hina)Where stories live. Discover now