Arata & Nakano Sano

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There was a silence between the two at first, he had just woken up and she had been sitting there for a few hours.

As Senju was about to speak, Mikey beat her to it. "Thank you for getting Brahman to help us, you saved my life.." He trailed off, looking down at the hospital bed he was sitting on.

She was a bit surprised, "Actually, your call saved my life." Mikey's head shot up, how?

The girl noticed his shock, she sighed a bit. "I was trying to get away from a drunk man, when you called me I kicked him in the dick. Look, don't feel awkward about this next part, okay?" Senju really didn't want Mikey to think she's weird for this.

He nodded, confused. She continued, "After the call ended, he put his hands around my throat and tried to choke me." His eyes widened. "He then asked who I talked to, and if you were my boyfriend. In a moment of sheer panic, I said that you were and that you were a police officer and would arrest him. So, you literally saved my life."

Senju averted her eyes for a second, the atmosphere was now awkward, to her. Mikey smiled a bit, "Looks like we saved each other's lives then." She looked at him and smiled as well.

"Yeah, we did."

A few weeks after the gang fight, Mikey was ready to start fighting again. His wounds had all healed, but he hadn't been in contact with Haruichi or Aito since he broke Haruichi's arm. It had been a long time since then as well, he never had the chance to apologize. Nor would he get the chance. Because today was his funeral.

As Mikey walked into the place that the funeral was being held, he saw Aito and his sisters holding back tears. He decided to talk to them, he hadn't seen them since before he graduated.

Rina was the first to spot Mikey, she was a bit nervous, but he had been nice to her since they met. She walked over to him and bowed. "Hello Mikey-San, it's been a very long time since we've seen you."

He nodded, his attention then went to the two girls walking over to him and Rina. He met them before, they were Aito's other sisters. Their names were Yoka and Zakiko I think.

After a while, Mikey explained why he hadn't been around, why he broke Haruichi's arm, and why he had been out of contact.

It was now time for the friends speeches, Haruichi's father and mother had spoken. And shockingly, Ryu was there.

Aito went first. "When I met Haruichi, I remember thinking how bright and kind he was. He wouldn't have tried to hurt anyone, even if you tried to hurt him. He was always there for me, even in my darkest moments. On the days when I would think about killing myself, he would stop me. On the days that I felt like killing my brother and sisters, he would stop me. He truly was one of the best people I've ever met. Haruto, sir. You raised him well." Aito bowed, and went back to his seat.

Ryu had now stepped up to speak, surprising the Shikichis and Mikey. "I barely knew the brat, but I remember the times the dumbass had come over. Somehow, he convinced me that my life was worth something. He was a good kid. It's a shame his life ended this way, I hope he rests well in the after life." There was a silence when he had finished talking. He bowed and took his seat beside Aito.

Rina had her turn now. "I met Haruichi-San a few years ago, I was crying because I was being bullied at the time. He helped me figure out how to stop the bullying and even helped me gain confidence, even if he didn't have much of his own. He was a great person, and an even better friend. I hope the after life treats him well."

Yoka now stepped up, "Haruichi-San was always very nice to me. If I'm being honest, I had a crush on him. I know that he was six years older than me, but he always seemed so happy and excited to be around all of us. He even taught me how to cook, I hope that Haruichi-San is able to cook alot in the after life." Bowing, it was now her younger sisters turn.

Zakiko stepped up, "I met Haru-Chan when I was 7 and he was 15. He would help me with my homework and tell me stories about his life. I'm now 11, if Haru-Chan was still alive he would be 19. His birthday was yesterday, even though he's dead I made him something." As she stepped down, she put a little drawing in Haruto's hands. It looked terrifyingly realistic, it was a drawing of Haruichi smiling brightly with the Shikichi siblings and Mikey.

When the time came for Mikey's speech, he found himself having trouble with it. After a second, he was able to speak. "When I met Haru..I had just lost my little sister. He never cared who I was, or what I did. He would always try to keep others happy and calm. After a while of knowing him, I began to see him as a brother. And a little bit before we graduated highschool, I started a fight with him and broke his arm. I never got the chance to apologize, so I'm doing it now."

As Mikey said his apologies, he started to feel lighter, as if something very heavy was lifted off his chest. He was obviously hurt by Haruichi's death, but he never blamed him. He did what he wanted, he chose how to end his life. Maybe now, Haruichi could be truly happy.

After Haruichi's funeral, Mikey decided to talk to Rina and Zakiko. He hadn't gotten the chance to properly speak to them.

"Hey Rina, Zakiko, could we talk for a second?" The girls turned to him, and hesitantly nodded.

When they were outside and away from others, Mikey hugged them. Surprising them greatly. "Zakiko, Rina, I'm so sorry."

Zakiko, the youngest one there, spoke. "Mikey-Chan, what are you sorry for?"

Mikey-San is being a bit odd..Rina thought, hugging him back.

A few seconds later, Mikey broke the hug. "I haven't been around in so's your home situation? Are you still being hurt?" The girls stiffened slightly.

Rina averted her eyes, "Well....lately Nii-San has only been hurting Aito-Nii. For the past year, we've barely been hit. Yoka has tried to stop him, but if we try we get hit." He felt anger boil inside him, he never expected this to continue for so long.

Smiley and Angry were hanging out at Hina's house, it was Saturday. They weren't off but they didn't care, Smiley didn't feel like fighting today, neither did Angry.

While they were talking about random things, Kazutora came home. "Shouldn't you two be at work?" Smiley looked at him.

"Shouldn't you be out of school?"

This caused a lot of bickering back and forth. Both Hina and Angry weren't going to deal with them.

As the fighting continued, Hina got up. "So-Kun, would you like to help me make a snack?" To this, he nodded. Anything to get away from Kazutora and Nahoya.

3 years later

Hina stared at the children in her arms, the boy had pink eyes with blonde hair, the girl had blonde hair as well, but she had deep blue eyes.

While Hina stared at them, Mikey grabbed the boy and held him. "Hinata, I'm so sorry for everything. If I would've known..." She shook her head, "What matters now is that you're back, and alive." She smiled at him, being parents....they never thought they would be.

"Just please, try and be a good example for Arata and Nakano." Mikey smiled a bit. "So those are the names you came up with"

He looked back over to his ex-girlfriend, " you think we could try again?" Hina was surprised, so much so that she almost cried.

"Of course, I've always loved you Manjiro."


Wow, this book is almost over.

I hope you enjoyed.

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