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(This is set before Mikey got Emma's things from her classroom)

Mikey was laying on his bed, he didn't want to do anything. He hadn't slept in 4 days, not since he found out Emma died. All he did all day was lay in his room, he tried to get his mind off everything, but he couldn't.

Hina had been checking up on Mikey through calls, knowing he wanted space at the moment. When he wanted to talk, he would. She knew that.

As Mikey was about to cry again, he heard a knock on his door. "Go away, grandpa." He said, as he put his arm over his eyes.

He heard his door open, he didn't move or talk. His grandfather sat on the edge of his bed.

Mikey spoke, "What?" He asked, more like stated.

Mansaku spoke, "Manjiro, you haven't left your room in 4 days. Emma's funeral is tomorrow." Mikey got irritated.

He took his arm off his eyes and sat up, letting Hiroto see his face. Mansaku looked at him with sad eyes.

He sighed, "You haven't slept, have you?" He asked, receiving no words from Mikey.

Mikey was mad right now, he couldn't hold himself back any longer.

He gritted his teeth, "Do you even fucking care that Emma's dead?! You didn't seem to give a shit about Izana either. Did you ever love any of us? Or did you just want us to be able to fight?" Mansaku let his grandson say these things, even if they weren't true.

Mikey felt tears sting his eyes, he turned his head away. ".....just get out." Mansaku didn't move.

Mansaku spoke this time. "Manjiro, I've let you have your space. But no-" He was cut off.

"YOU LET US HAVE TOO MUCH SPACE!!" He yelled, surprising him.

Mikey calmed down a little and continued, "If you were home once in a while, Emma and I would've been home more often. Emma wouldn't have been killed. I wouldn't be like this. We would've been an actual family." Mikey turned back to Mansaku.

Mikey had started crying. "I could've actually been happy with my life. Things were just starting to get good, and now my little sister is dead. Now Kazuya lives with Baji, Hinata hasn't been herself, the twins are different, Ken-Chin is different, the only person living normally is you." Mikey cried harder, Mansaku pulled him into a hug.

He didn't resist, he hugged him back. Mansaku tried to calm him down, "Listen Manjiro, I've always loved you and your siblings more than I love myself. Just because I seem okay, doesn't mean I'm not hurting." He said, patting Mikey's back.

Mansaku continued, "Izana, Emma, Shinichiro...I don't know how difficult it will be to adjust to life without all of them, but we'll get through this. As a family, okay?" He broke away from the hug, and put his hands on Mikey's shoulders.

He nodded, tears still in his eyes. He then spoke, "Grandpa..I'm sorry." Was all he said. Mansaku asked him why, Mikey responded...

"I'm sorry that I wished it was me instead.."

Back to the present

It had now been about 2 weeks since Emma's death, Everyone was slowly starting to be themselves again.

Hina, Takemichi, and Kazutora started going to school again. They were all in their frist year of highschool together. Since Kazutora failed due to spending time in juvie.

Mikey was out of his room again and walking around the streets. He still hadn't gone to school yet, he wasn't ready for the talk and rumors. He was in his 2nd year of highschool.

Couldn't stop myself from falling (Mikey x Hina)Where stories live. Discover now