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Y/n's p.o.v
(This is three years ago so Y/n is 12)

I hummed as we sat outside our house which resided in the south side of San Juan. The capital of Puerto Rico. I sketched along the pavement with the help of my small handed sister Valentina. I glanced at the door hearing the shouts of Pa and Ma. Juan was reading a book against the wall as he also looked up at the door. Esa bruja Paloma stood outside, Pa had an affair with her and Ma found out not long after.

Juan moved closer to me when Paloma tried to interact with him. Ma came outside with bags in her hands. "Niños, grab your things."

"No. Niños, don't." Pa said, Juan and I looked at Pa, then at Paloma as we walked inside. Valentina followed in quickly. I washed my hands at the sink drying them with a towel when I heard Ma yelling at Paloma and Pa. I went upstairs grabbing my suitcase, I grabbed my undershirts and ponchos, I grabbed photos and books filling up my suitcase. Shoving in my shoes and a few other valuables. I zipped up my bag and went downstairs standing beside Ma. I kept my eyes on the coloured pavement as Juan and Valentina came outside with their things.

"Y/n.. Come on stay with me and Paloma-" Pa started as Ma slapped him across the face.

"Come along children" Ma said as we quickly followed behind her, Pa fuming with anger behind us.

"Where are we going to go?" Juan asked the question we were all thinking.

"There's a town, In Colombia. Protected by an Encanto, It will keep us safe" Ma said as we followed behind her for miles. We reached a harbor. Valentina rushed to Ma and held her hand tight, I picked up Val's bag and looked around. The water looked so vibrant

The air was warm and comforting like it was welcoming us

I took a deep breath and quickly went after my familia. I stood beside ma on the boat which I learned would take us to Colombia. I kept my eyes on the water and used my hands to copy the movement of the waves as they went up and down.

The boat began to move as Ma held her stomach wincing in pain. "You okay Ma?" I asked her as she nodded.

"Your brother is just as eager as you are my chico" She said as I nodded, Juan took my hand as I looked at him. Juan adored Pa and leaving him was harsh. I hugged my brother to comfort him as we sat down waiting to be at our new home.

After hours of a vomiting Valentina, and Juan just as sick we made it to the harbor of Maracaibo. We left the boat, And looked around. Everyone looked so alive and happy, there was music everywhere and I smelt the sweet scent of food everywhere I looked.

I followed Ma as she bought a ticket to take us to the Encanto Mountains in Colombia. We held her hand as we waited for the bus that would take us. The bus finally arrived as Ma let us go first, I carried Valentina's, Juan's and my bag as they went to the back where there was more space for our bags and Ma's belly.

She sat down beside us as I kept my hands and legs on the bags so they wouldn't slide away. Juan and Valentina fell asleep on Ma as I just looked at the window looking at the street lights that would pass by. Eventually we made it to the streets of Encanto, I carried a sleepy Juan, Ma holding Valentina in her arms. We tugged the bags behind us as Ma knocked on the door of a large and colourful home.

I rubbed my eyes as an old woman answered the door. "Sí? Is something wrong?" The woman asked in a kind but worried voice.

Ma explained everything to the woman as she looked wide eyed. "Por favor, Come inside you all must be hungry" We walked inside as I heard voices from another room, Juan helped as the floor took the bags from our hands, they were brought down the hall, the floor sliding us into the room where I heard the voices from before.

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