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No one's p.o.v

Y/n changed clothes and stepped in the house, Delores and Mirabel dancing together, He stood puzzled and watched someone who was wearing a green poncho went up the steps, He quickly followed but when he went upstairs, the person was gone, Y/n felt someone grab his hands and he was brought downstairs, Y/n looked at Camilo who had pulled him down quickly copying what he was doing as Isabela came down from the ceiling on some type of swing.

"He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised and some day be mine.."

"He told me that my power would grow like the grapes that thrive on the vine.."

"Oye Mariano's on his way"

"He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach.. betrothed to another.."

"It's like I hear him now.."

"Hey sis.

I want not a sound out of you."

"I can hear him now!"

"Um Bruno, Yeah about that Bruno. I really need to know about Bruno give me the truth and the whole truth, Bruno."

"Isabela! Your boyfriends here!" Y/n and Camilo sang together

"Time for dinner!"

The family all began singing together as Y/n, Camilo, Feliź and Augustine grabbed cups putting them along the table then swaying away from the table in a swift motion. Mirabel looked at Luisa who couldn't even lift a pot off the floor. She went into her room and put together the vision looking at the house covered in cracks and Y/n and herself standing in front of it.

"Got your party pants on because-" Augustine started but his jaw dropped looking at the vision on the night stand.

"I.. broke into Bruno's tower, found his last vision, the family is in trouble, the magic is dying, the house is breaking, Luisa's gift is fading and I think it's all because of me.." She spoke swiftly, Augustine pushing her gently looking at it as he spoke quietly shoving the pieces in his pocket,

"We say nothing! Abuela wants tonight to be perfect till the Guzmáns leave, You didn't sneak into Bruno's tower, the magic is not dying, the house is not breaking, Luisa's gift is not fading! No one will know! Just act normal! No one needs to know!" Augustine said as the door moved open, Delores squeaking.

"I know.." she said quickly running off.

"She's going to tell everyone.."

"Time to eat!"


Y/n sat beside Camilo and Delores who was awfully jittery staring at Mirabel like she saw a ghost.

"The Guzmáns and the Madrigals together, is so good for the Encanto" Abuela Alma said.

"Yes! Then let's hope tonight is not a horrible disaster!" The two elder woman's laughed.

"To a perfect night! Salud!"

Everyone held their cups up "Salud!" Everyone began grabbing food they wanted, Delores and Mirabel kept their eyes locked till Mariano put a bowl of Avacado in her face, She pushed it back Y/n sipping his water as Delores was whispering in his ear, Y/n coughed spitting up some water as he put his drink down quickly.

Mirabel looked at Delores with a pleading face, Y/n quickly spilling what Delores told her to Camilo. Camilo coughing as he shifted from Mirabel to Bruno, back to himself but his face was all out of proportion. "Camilo your face!" Y/n whispered as the trio stared at Mirabel

"Water?" Isabela asked putting the pitcher in front of Mirabel. Camilo told Feliź who spat out his water on the Guzmáns, then Pepa who grew a storm cloud.

"Pepa!" The side of the table who knew whispered as Abuela Alma looked at her.

"Pepa!" She growled through gritted teeth. "The cloud" she pointed.

"Clear skies, Clear Skies, Clear Skies" Pepa told herself trying to calm herself down. Pepa told Julietta who looked shocked at Mirabel. The family tried to eat as if nothing was wrong.

Mirabel stuck her head under the table as Mariano looked confused "Mirabel? Everything okay?" he asked as she banged her head on the table looking back up.

"Everything is great!" Augustine staid for her "she's just excited! For you to- purpose! Which you should do, As fast as you can" Mirabel agreed as Mariano and Isabella looked at them like they were crazy.

"I was actually gonna.." Mariano started.

"You are actually gonna! Great!" He quickly turned around Isabela's chair.

"We- Well- Well- Well! Since everyone here has a talent- Well minus you Y/n.." Y/n shrugged and continued eating "Mariano wanted to start with a song.. Luisa! Could you pick up the piano?" The woman asked as Luisa tried not to cry, she nodded getting up to get the piano.

"Okay.." She said breaking down.

Mirabel pushed Mariano off his chair and on his knee. "It's actually family tradition to sing after!"

Mariano cleared his throat "Isabela-" Mariano started the floor cracking as Mirabel jumped to the crack laying over it. "Um..?" He looked at Mirabel who smiled.

"You're doing great-" She said weakly.

"The most perfect flower, in this entire Encanto.."

Luisa struggled with the piano as everyone looked at her worried

"Will you marry-"

"No!" Mirabel screamed cutting him off as raccoons took the put together vision running off, everyone watching the chaos unfold. Y/n, Camilo, and Antonio put their faces to the table as everyone was shouting loudly a large cloud over them. Y/n looked up getting a look at the vision that slid across the table trying to grab it which just knocked food onto Isabela and Camilo, Y/n stood up as did Mirabel, the vision stopped in front of Abuela Alma spilling the wine. Everyone looked at Mirabel or Y/n as tension grew in the room. The walls started cracking as Camilo's head and hands shifted into that of a baby as he sprouted a mustache, Pepa trying to calm down, Isabela accidentally sprouted a flower that punched Mariano in the face breaking it.

It then began to rain everyone running out, Isabela after Abuela Alma and her "fiancé" Luisa running to her room crying hysterically, Augustine following, Pepa running out with a rain cloud over her head everyone drenched to the bone.

Y/n ran after Mirabel as Abuela Alma looked at the crowd of towns people "The magic is strong! Everything is fine! We are the Madrigals!" The doors slammed shut, Abuela Alma turned around angrily "Mirabel! And
Y/n!" She screamed as lightning lit up the windows of Castia.

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