Chapter three - Birthday Surprise

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I don't think this has anything for a TW in it. But if there is please do leave it in the comments :)

Ok, hello! This is the author speaking, I just wanted to say that 1 year has passed so Izuku is now 14 almost 15, he is 6'1 and still growing. After Izuku explained a bit of his story to the Afton's after a little bit of convincing he was officially adopted under the name Afton. The people who killed Izuku found his body, one person ratted the whole gang out and another person hung themselves because the sight of what they had done was too much for him to handle.
Also let me explain a little bit about my AU of the Afton family. 

Terrence Afton: Terrence Afton, it's kind of like what the normal story goes when he is included in it, he hangs himself and hands his foxy mask down to Michael after passing, but in here he stays down in Earth and watches over Michael. As time goes on her becomes less and less ghost like and then begins taking on an appearance of how he would've looked like as an adult. He's still dead but it's just a little more complicated... He possess nothing. He was the first Afton to die.
Dislikes: William Afton, Animatronics. 

Elizabeth Afton: Elizabeth Afton is very childish at times but can be mature when she wants to be, she still has the same death as in the original, scooped and crushed by Circus Baby and now she posses it etc. etc. And I know that many people have some fights over who died first, Chris or Elizabeth, but for me... It was Elizabeth who died before Chris. She possess Circus Baby, She was the second Afton to die.
Dislikes: Terrence Afton, Circus Baby, ice Cream.

Christopher Afton: Christopher Afton, Chris Afton, C.C, whatever it is you want to call him. He dies the same way as he did in the original but in my AU he can't speak and he doesn't like Michael or his father. Due to the brain damage, Chris died but even as a ghost the medical problems haunt him. He can't speak, has a hard time speaking, his nightmares still occur just not as bad as they did when he was alive, he doesn't sleep at all because of anxiety that his Nightmares will come when he's asleep and rip him apart even though he's already dead. Christopher doesn't possess anything but he does have a dark angle form and a normal angle form. He was the third Afton to die.
Dislikes: Michael Afton, William Afton, Terrence Afton, Nightmares, any animatronic really. 

Mrs. Afton: Mrs. Afton or Clara Afton goes by the name Mrs. Afton, she died during a car accident and she does not see William Afton as her husband. In fact she despises him and the thought of being in the same room as him is suffocating. She covers her eyes because she went blind in the car accident so she covers them up so others like her family wont have to remember her tragic death. Mrs. Afton possess Ballora,  She was the fourth Afton to die.
Dislikes: William Afton.

William Afton: William Afton. The man behind the slaughter. After his wife and two children died(He doesn't count Terrence as his child), he went into a blinded rage and in that moment of grief he decided to get revenge on no body, he decided that killing kids would help justify his pain and help send his kids to heaven. He dies like he did in the original. He posses springtrap  Bonnie, He was the fifth Afton to die.
Dislikes: Michael Afton, Mrs. Afton, Terrence Afton, Izuku Afton, and some kids. 

Michael Afton: Michael Afton he doesn't talk much and he doesn't have Ennard inside of him, I'm going with the original idea, Michael's only propose to Ennard was something he can use to escape and since robot's can't feel emotions Ennard had no remorse for Michael and left. Michael posses Nightmare Foxy, and he was the sixth Afton to die.
Dislikes: William Afton, and dislikes Terrence Afton(Because he had to witness such a thing at such a young age.), Ennard.

Izuku Afton: Izuku Afton, he has three forms, he possess Lobit so he can turn into Lobit, there is his Human form where he has some bandages on his face and is still a little bloody but he can just cover them up, and he still has a lot of scars in his human form from his death and from before hand abuse, and then his Ghost form. His ghost form look's like his corpse but just better constructed. He can't sleep unless he's in his human form and even then it's very very little. 
Dislikes: William Afton a lot, and the nightmares(some of them, because some of them are nice to him and some of them are mean to him, but they're all rude and mean to Chris.. For some reason.).


Izuku's Point of View.

I just got finished helping Chris with his nightmares and was heading back to my bedroom, I opened my door and walked inside flopping down onto my bed lazily. 

I turned over to my back and closed my eyes, 'I wonder.... I wonder... How is Kacchan doing..?' I thought to myself as memories of me and him together flooded back in, I don't know why but he was never too fond of me, he used to call me Deku, meaning useless.. He was the typical bully of the play ground. But I still liked him.

I looked up to him, he was a rude self obsessed person but I still followed him. Thinking about Kacchan brought up memories of my mother, Inko.. And then my father.. My father, I wonder how he's doing... I wonder...

I heard a soft knock on my door and watched as it opened slightly revealing Mrs. Afton. "Ah! Mrs. Afton, good morning," I said happily as she smiled, "Again, you may call me mom, Izuku." She said kindly, I smiled at her offer but shook my head. 

"Again, thank you but I'd rather call you Mrs. Afton, apologies.." I said as she nodded, "Don't apologize child, it's ok." 

I got up out of bed and stretched a bit, "Breakfast is down on the table come when you're ready." I nodded and she left, closing the door behind her.

I quickly browsed my closet of what to wear and came upon an outfit to put on.

It was a white hoodie with a dark red shirt over it that read the words; "F#CK YOU HONEY". With some light blue box jeans and a pair of new, white convers.

 With some light blue box jeans and a pair of new, white convers

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I still had bed hair, but did I care? Hah, no. I walked out of my room and down the hall, Chris opened his door right as I was about to pass his room making me come to a stop, "Hey Chris," I said smiling as he looked to me and waved to me before he flew down the hallway.

I walked behind him and down the stairs into the kitchen, there was a big marble kitchen with marble counters, and a marble island, it was all white with some black cupboards. Away form it was a big table with 7 chairs around it, Michael can't eat but he still likes to sit at the table and read a newspaper.

I sat in my chair and started to eat the eggs infront of me. It was awkwardly quiet, there was an empty spot where William was supposed to sit, no body even bothered to mention him or call him down.

"So, Izuku.." Mrs. Afton started as I looked at her.

"Because of your up coming birth day, we were thinking of giving you a little surprise..." Mrs. Afton said excitedly as she smiled a bit at the others.

Curious I set my untenses down to listen to her as she spoke, "We were, well thinking about sending you to live in Japan for a while, to fulfill your dreams of becoming a hero!" Mrs. Afton exclaimed as me eyes widened. 

I chocked on the food in my mouth and quickly clapped a hand over it to make sure nothing came out, I coughed as I swallowed it, "M- Mrs. Afton! I- I would love to!... B- but what about Chris and his nightmares... What about all of you guys, are you all going to be ok?" I asked as worry suddenly started to set in.

Chris smiled at me and gave me a small reassuring nod as I looked over to the rest of the family.

"We'll come and visit you sometimes." Michael said shortly looking up form his newspaper.

I nodded and smiled warmly, I'm pretty sure that I couldn't stop smiling until noon...

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