Chapter 14

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Madara was not expecting this.

He was expecting people to cower in fear at the sight of him, but instead they just smiled at him. 

He think's it's because Naruto is with him at the moment. They must think that if the blonde doesn't think he's a threat than they shouldn't either.

Naruto was just happy that he could go with Madara to the market. Fukagu has been picking fight's with Sasuke all week and Naruto was finger touching close to kicking Fukagu's ass into next week.

They stopped at a little stand that had fruit's. 

"Hokage-sama what can I get for you this fine morning?" One of the woman who worked at the stand asked.

"Oh well I was hoping to get some tomatoes." He said.

"Oh well we just got some fresh tomatoes in this morning." She said as she pointed to some in the basket.

"Okay hmm. Give me that one those three and those six."Naruto said as he pointed to each one.

She quickly picked them out and handed the bag to Naruto. He payed and they made their way through the village and into the hospital.

"What are we doing here?" Madara asked.

"Oh well I have to walk through the village from time to time and inspect the place. I thought I could bring you along for some chit chat. I also didn't think you would want to listen to Fukagu and Sasuke fighting over who should be clan head." Naruto said.

"Well I thank you then. I really didn't want to sit there and listen to them." Madara said.

"Yeah I wouldn't either. Now how exactly was your trip to Kanoha?" Naruto asked as he started eating the tomato as if it was an apple.

"Well it was quiet entertaining. Sasuke was very snappy, as you would say, with people and would fire jab's at them if they pissed him off. So I quiet enjoyed the entire ordeal. Well except for when that woman tried to get information on us." Madara said.

Naruto nodded with a sigh,"Yeah she has been a thorn in my side ever since I divorced Hinata."

"Do you mind me asking what the entire thing was about, because before all this you where married to a woman. So what exactly happened?" Madara asked.

"Well you see when Sasuke and I where sixteen we started doing thing's. We started dating when we where eighteen, but kept it on the down-low. When the civilian council found out about it Mebuki was pissed. So she had me and Sasuke marry Hinata and Sakura so that she could be known as the grandmother of an Uchiha child. We decided to divorce after I told Hinata everything."

"Hmm. You told me that you have a son and daughter. How exactly where they born if you where still married?"

"Well me and Sasuke had slept with each other before the wedding and I found out afterwards that I was pregnant with Boruto, my son. Sakura was pregnant with Sarada, my daughter. We decided that when I started showing we would go on our honeymoon as a cover up. I had Boruto in Uzshio along with Sakura." Naruto said.

"Hmm. If Sarada is not you're biological daughter why did you allow her in you're house. I meen no offense by it, but most wouldn't."

"I don't take any offense to it. Sarada isn't my blood, but she is my daughter. I practically raised the girl. When Sakura had to work late at the hospital I refused to let Sarada stay home alone. I fed her and clothed her and made sure she knew proper hygiene. Hell I was the one who helped her through her first period. Sakura was just the fly on the wall. I raised Sarada so she is my daughter." Naruto said.

Madara nodded his head with a small smile present on his face,"You truly are an Uzumaki mother." He said.

"What does that meen?" Naruto asked.

"Well in my time, when the Uzumaki clan was thriving, I had met many of them. The mother's especially interested me. The definition of an Uzumaki is loud, brash, stubborn and quick to anger. Yet I saw them care for children who where not their own, but the children of their husbands mistresses. I found it heartwarming. Considering most would wish death upon the child." Madara said.

Naruto nodded with a sigh,"Yeah. I know a woman like that at the moment."

"How do you know she wishes death upon a child?"

"Because she has openly told people that she is going to kill my son." Naruto said.

"She is going after you're son?" Madara asked.

"Yeah. Her name is Sakura. She's Sasuke's ex-wife. After she found out that Boruto was our biological son she went crazy. I think she got crazier when she heard Sarada call me mom." Naruto said.

"How do you know she is crazy?"

"She comes into the compound at night and tries to get into the house. She hasn't succeeded yet. She even watched me and Sasuke have intercourse. So yeah crazy ex-wife. That and she's a child abuser."

"How did you find that out?"

" The day we told Boruto about who his real family was Sarada heard us. She came into the room and asked if she was also my daughter. One thing led to another and Sarada showed us where Sakura had grabbed her. Sakura said it was discipline. It didn't end up so pretty for her."

"I would think. Child abuse isn't something that a mother should use as an excuse of discipline. Their is obviously a difference." Madara said.

"I told her the same thing. She still thinks I'm the bitch who stole her husband and daughter and ruined her life." Naruto said.

"I have met woman like that. Be aware Naruto. I will be you're shadow and protect you. If you believe someone is a threat to both you and you're child than I will act." Madara said.

Naruto looked back at the man and smiled at him.

He was glad he and Madara where friends. He is just a big cuddly teddy bear who got hurt by someone he cared for.

To be continued...

Hope you enjoyed it.
Love hug's and kisses

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