Chapter 29

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Dedicated to Zaffy1230

Boruto knew he was different from everybody else.

Not because of the fact that he was smart or because he was strong, but because his mother was Naruto Uzumaki.

The man who won the war fought Madara Uchiha, saved the village (More than once), brought his lover back to the village and he is also the Kiyūbi No Kitsune's jailer. So he was different from others.

Being different meant he got treated differently.

Some treated him with respect and tried putting him on a pedestal. He was made out to be some miracle child who could do anything. He hated it. They only treated him that way, because his mom was the Hokage.

Then there were the other kids. They hated him. He was the son of the Hokage and he was treated as such. So they started bullying him.

Pushing him up against lockers, destroying his homework, and taking his food.

The blonde was very upset with this. However, there was nothing he could do about it. He ran to his mother he would allow the bullies to be right about him. He ran to an adult or teacher and he would be seen as a tattle tale.

So he stayed silent and endured the pain they put him through.

He didn't have many friends.

He had Sarada, but they grew up together and she spent most of her time with Cho-Cho anyways.

Shikadai found it too troublesome to even spend time with Boruto.

The rest of the squad stuck to themselves.

Him not having friends did change when he entered his second year of the academy. He had met Mitsuki.

The son of the snake Sanin Orochimaru and his father's sensei.

Mitsuki was different from other people. He didn't care who Boruto was. If he was being a brat Mitsuki would point it out and if he was not being a brat he would coddle the blonde.

It had gotten to the point where Boruto would specifically go to Mitsuki for anything. Whether it be to rant, have a cuddle session, or just have a shoulder to cry on.

It didn't take long for the blonde to figure out he liked the bluenette.

His snake-yellow eyes captivated him in the most mesmerizing ways. They captured the blonde's attention every time he entered the room.

His blue hair that Boruto regularly ran his hands through when he played with it.

Mitsuki would cuddle with the blonde and hold him close whenever he got the chance.

There was also the muscularity of the snake-nin. He was quite strong and his muscles showed it.

Boruto found himself finding comfort in them most days.

As Boruto recalled all of these memories he could not help but remember what Mitsuki had said to him the day prior.


It was their off day. The first one in months. The day was sunny and calm.

It reminded him of his mother.

He was in the mood for a good burger and some chips.

As he was walking towards the restaurant that sells them he passed the training grounds.

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