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"If you're going to be coaching you should talk to little Reyna. I'm sure she misses you."

"Yeah she totally misses me. No calls, no texts, no visits. I'm sure Mr. Rodriguez really wants me around again too. In fact I'll call him up, set up a game of golf and everything." Gordon's voice was dripping in sarcasm.

The Scandinavian man shakes his head while putting away hockey skates. "You know why he's upset though. I would be angry too, you have made mistakes Gordon. You must own up to them to truly get closure."

The bell to the shop rings. The small twelve year old that stood no more than five foot even. Her brown hair was long enough to stay behind her, it was sleek to the point where you couldn't even tell the individual pieces apart. It was her favorite feature. Her pride and joy.

"Hello spatzi! Have you come to get your skates sharpened again? Or did you break another stick. I must say you have one of the worst tempers I've seen in a player in a while." The girl shrugs while going to grab another Easton hockey stick with a few pucks to practice with.

She reaches into her winter jacket to grab the cash her grandpa gave her. "I wouldn't have such a bad temper if stripes didn't make such terrible calls." Her eyes close slightly when she laughs. "Anyways I gotta get home. Ma made fajitas and I'd be happy to bring some by later Hans."

"That's very sweet thank you spatzi. Tell Amaya thank you for me."

"Will do, and catch you at my next game? It isn't going to be anything special, but ma and abuelo can't make it so I was hoping you'd be there?"

Hans was like another grandfather to Reyna, he knew her mother and grandpa couldn't always be there since both worked constantly. So he happily attended her games. Although, he was starting to get genuinely getting concerned for how often she lashed out. It seemed like the older she got the less control she had of her temper.

It didn't help much that Reilly kept pushing her more and more. He really just wanted her to make up for Gordon's failures. "Of course. You can count on me. Now I won't keep you waiting, run along to your mother." Reyna smiles and waves goodbye to Hans not even really noticing Gordon standing there awkwardly.

"She's gotten big." He finally speaks when she leaves the stop while trying not to step on her loosely tied converse. "I forgot how long I was away."

"Reyna is a good kid. Amaya did a good job with her."

Gordon leans against the wooden front desk and sighs. "Yeah, I bet. You go to her games?"

Hans nods while putting away the new skates he had just finished. And that was the last of them. "She's been playing since she was six. Rilley picked her up right when peewees started. She's his right hand Hawk."

He didn't like knowing that Reilly had gotten his hooks into her like he did when Gordon was a kid. And according to Hans her temper and anger issues prove it. Seeing her made him feel shitty.

Gordon deserved to feel shitty.


Her pristinely sharpened skates hit the ice making a beautiful noise. The flurry of ice left behind in her wake was soft and powdery. Even the cold that entered her lungs was beautiful in its own way. "Rodriguez, don't take this game any less seriously. Just because you know you're going to win don't get cocky. You tend to showboat."

Reina's skates skid to a stop as she stands in front of her coach. Adam Banks stopping right next to her. The two shared alternate captains of the team. "And Banks you better keep up, I expect a lot from both of you."

ENAMORADA || CHARLIE CONWAYWhere stories live. Discover now