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"I so do not want to be a Duck mama! That's so embarrassing! They've tied one game since they got a new coach, but they still have the worst record in the league. And one team has the measles." Reyna was pleading with her mom to change her mind.

Amaya thought the change was good. Although, she really didn't get to see her daughter play since she was a surgeon, she seen the effect the Hawks had on her. Especially on her attitude.

She knew Coach Reilly from when her and Gordon were kids and he hadn't changed in all those years. Amaya only let Reyna play for them because that was the only team she could play for since they lived closer to Edina. Now she had another choice.

Of course Amaya still resented Gordon a bit, even if she'd never admit it. He had really broken her heart and left her vulnerable. That was a long time ago. She wanted him to have a relationship with Reyna. Even if the girl didn't want to admit she did want a dad like all the other kids.

"I don't care if they 'suck' mija. You know I didn't like you playing for the Hawks. I only did it because I know you love to play. If you want to keep playing you'll play for the Ducks. Gordon will be a good coach he knows what he's talking about. Please mariposa, just give them a chance."

Reyna crosses her arms over her chest. She didn't want to be the laughing stock of peewee hockey, especially on the Ducks. Amaya gently runs her fingers through her daughter's hair before starting to braid it. It was the same thing they did before every game. She'd braid her hair the night before while they talked.

"Those kids actually suck! And they hate me and Adam. So even if we're playing we'll never see the puck if it's up to them. I can score triple the points any of them get and they still wouldn't pass it to me."

Amaya hums in acknowledgement. "They're all so frustrating. Connie is the only one I even semi tolerate because she's nice to everyone. Their goalie still can't block to save his life, the big slap shot kid Fulton only makes half the shots he takes, the Hall brothers both act like my life is some big fairytale, and don't get me started on Conway!"


Reyna rolls her eyes. "Yeah, Charlie Conway. He sucks so bad his own team calls him Spazway. No matter what he always manages to fan the puck when the net is wide open. Ugh, he's so frustrating too. He's a dork, but that doesn't mean you have to be dorky all the time." Amaya found it funny when Reyna rambled on and on.

"That's a bit harsh don't you think?"

"I don't know. He's nice and all, nicer than I am to him and his teammates. It's annoying. Every once in a while I kind of want him to trash talk back." Charlie trashed talked Banks all the time so why didn't he do the same to her. "It's like he thinks I'm not worth the effort."

She messes with her fingers. Charlie Conway really did annoy her. Amaya smiles while trying to hide her laughter. Reyna really was like Gordon. "You know your dad said the same thing about me. He hated than I was nice to him when we played. Come to find out he had a crush on me and just wanted to be mean so he didn't have to admit it."

Reyna turns around quickly. "I do not like Charlie Conway! As if! He's a total dweeb and if you hadn't noticed he totally sucks at hockey!"

Amaya clicks her tongue. She didn't believe a word her daughter was saying. She just finishes the braid and lets Reyna turn around to fully face her. "You said it though, he's nice and he's never mean to you even when you are to him. You're only mad at that because you want him to be mean so you have a reason to not like him that isn't because he's dorky. I always thought he was a sweet boy from your school recitals."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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