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"Truth or dare?"

"I'd rather kill myself." Reyna stretches her legs on the grass. Five of the Hawks went to the park before their game later tonight. They just wanted to stretch and hang out since they'd be playing an actual threat. Well, they didn't really consider any of the other teams a threat, but they sure were better than district 5.

McGil boos her while ruffling her hair that she'd yet to put into a ponytail. The girl swats his hands away while he laughs. "Don't be like that Rey, have some fun. It's not like Reilly will kill you for having fun off the ice or anything."

"Fine, dare."

All of the boys look at each other with matching grins. Oh no. Her face falls while she looks around confused. "You totally gotta ask out Spazway!"

"What?!" Larson falls back laughing while her face turns a furious shade of red all the way down to her neck and chest. She was so embarrassed. This is why she didn't play dumb games. "I'm not doing that! No way in hell! He's such a dork this is cruel and unusual punishment!"

Adam hides his laugh behind his hand. "Nah you gotta ask him out. It's a dare. Or are you chicken?"

"I'm not chicken! I just don't like Conway. I'll do something else, anything else!" McGil sighs and taps his finger to his chin. He wanted to have her do something hilarious. Well, hilarious to him. It wasn't often that the 'Ice Queen' let up and actually acted like a kid.

His face breaks into a smirk when he thinks of the perfect dare. "Give Banksie a bit fat kiss! Or you're really too chicken!" Adam's eyes widen when she gets up and grabs the sides of his face to pull him into a rough kiss. Larson whistles while the guys laugh. When she lets him go his face is bright red and he's trying to avoid eye contact with everyone.

"I'm not chicken."

Larson grabs his hockey bag and chuckles, "Yeah, you're right. I guess, anyways. As much fun as that was we gotta get to the rink. Reilly will actually kill us all if we're late for warmups." The group gets up and grabs all of the junk that was scattered on the grass.

Reyna ties up her hair while the guys start walking ahead. Adam just stands there still awkwardly ignoring everyone around him. She laughs under her breath, trying not to be too mean. "Come on, we gotta go." She pats the side of his face gently twice before walking to catch up with her teammates. It was enough to snap him out of it because he did the same.

Adam didn't have a crush on her, but he did admit she was attractive. Reyna would probably never go for him since most of the time she was wrapped up in herself. Adam was just stunned because that was his first kiss. And on a dare, but at least he could say later on that his first kiss was the Reyna Rodriguez.

When they get to the rink Reyna throws her bag at Larson. "Be a dear my bag to my locker would you? I gotta find out who we're playing because coach never told us." The taller boy rolls his eyes, but does so anyways. She walks away and Adam debates whether or not to join her.

"Damn Banks one kiss and you're whipped? Was it really that good?" King, one of their enforcers, jeered at Adam. Was he that obvious? The tips of his ears burn and he doesn't even get a chance to answer.

McGil bumps into King's shoulder. "Calm it dude, Banks isn't even doing anything. Quit projecting just because you're down bad for Rodriguez doesn't mean everyone else is trying to get at her. Maybe if you weren't such a jerk she'd give you the time of day."

"Shut your mouth McGil!" The boy mumbles through gritted teeth.

"Hell! Spazway has a better chance with her than you'll ever have!" Larson laughs with McGil while he puts said girls duffle bag into her favorite locker.

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