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The sounds of monitors wake her from her deep sleep; she opens her eyes, and the pounding in her head is evident due to the concussion she got from the beating in the alleyway. When she realized where she was, the events that had to happen these past few days turned out to be true. Flowers and get-well balloons filled the room; she sat up as a soft knock on the door sounded in the quiet room, and a doctor walked in.

"Welcome back, Ms.Parker. I'm glad to say you are on the road to recovery, and you'll be able to leave later today." He says while checking his papers on his clipboard. "Your ankle was sprained pretty badly, but it's in a wrap right now to reduce the swelling; please try not to be on your feet a lot. You'll have to use crutches until your ankle is fully healed."

She doesn't say anything to him, and he takes her silence as his moment to nod curtly and leave the room. She reached into her purse on the bedside table, and when the screen lit up, missed calls and multiple text messages were displayed. She goes through them all and sends messages back, and all of them say they would stop by her home to see how she was doing.

A couple of hours later, there was still only one person on her mind, Sam. She could stop thinking about how sweet he was by carrying her in, and she should say it, but he had a smell of a citrus birch. He smelled like what a man would, but that citrus was what pulled her in. From what happened the other night, she knew it was likely that she would never see him or that Dean guy he was with. Were they just partners that worked together or siblings: questions upon questions filled her mind until a woman cleared her throat to get Lily's attention. She looks up from her hands to the woman who held the cheap clothes that you wear home from the hospital when you have no clothes to wear out. Isabella reads her name tag, Jayden.

"I've brought you some clothes for your discharge. Would you like help to the bathroom to change?" Jayden asks in a sweet voice.

"Yes, please. That would be very helpful," Lily speaks as she could tell the nurse seemed new by her hesitation. Jayden goes to the room's restroom and sets down to the clothing before coming back and helping her up. Lily tests the waters with her ankle, and she puts a little weight on it and grits her teeth to stop her from crying out in pain. With the nurse's help, she limps to the bathroom; the nurse closes the door and waits outside the door.

Lily leaned against the wall as she gets herself dressed, and when done, she opened the door, and the nurse was more than helpful to get her back in the bed.

"I have to go get the discharge papers, as well as the crutches that you will be sent home with. If you need a ride, take this time to get a friend or family member to pick you up. If you are unable to obtain a ride, we will call a cab for you."

"Thank you, Jayden," Lily said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. When the nurse walks out, she grabs her phone and calls Diana.

"Hey, Lily. It's good to hear from you."

"Diana, hey. Could you please come and pick me up from the hospital?"

There was a pause before Diana answered, "Yes, I'm on the way. I'll be there in about ten minutes."

Lily signed the discharge papers, and all she had to do was wait for Diana to show up. Twenty minutes later, Diana was in the room collecting the flowers and balloons to load into her car; it only took a couple of minutes to get everything in the car. Isabella takes the elevator down with Diana, her weight on the crutches.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened?" Diana asked while they were alone in the elevator.

Lily sighed. "I got jumped in the alley, and they kidnapped me and held me hostage until some cops found me."

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