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Lily's patience was wearing thin when Sam's promise of being back in two days max turned into now two weeks of no contact from either of them, she had been caught up on her homework and she spent most of her days organizing for Bobby and cleaning up the house for him to pass the time. In that time she began to be taught about what was out there and had classes with Bobby about how to kill certain monsters and how to recognize the signs for each. The third week came and went, Lily had to continue training and was taught how to shoot a gun, as well as doing vigorous workouts to get herself in shape as she had to be strong enough against a monster as they would be strong.

Today was a hard one for her and she was utterly exhausted and it was only noon, she dropped on the couch and fell asleep the second her body was comfortable she was asleep. Bobby knew the boys were on their way back after dealing with pestilence. She groggily woke up to the sound of the front door closing and two loud footsteps coming inside the house. She rubs her eyes with the knuckles of her pointer fingers and sat up. Once her eyes were adjusted to the light there stood the brothers, she smiled and got up and ran over and trapped both the brothers into a group hug.

"I thought you guys were never going to make it back," she said aspirated as she took a step back from them, and then pointed her finger at Sam "You know three weeks is not two days or mid-afternoon,"

Sam gives her a sheepish smile, "Things happened that we had to take care of,"

Dean smirks "Well technically it's mid-afternoon"

That earned a piercing look from Lily but before she could say anything else Bobby interjected

"Well, it's nice to score a home for once, ain't it?" he said in a semi-cheerful tone but, Sam's expression was sour "What?"

"The last thing Pestilence said bothered me. 'It's too late'"

Bobby's face gets grim "He get specific?"

Sam shook his head "No"

"We're just a little freaked out he might have left a bomb somewhere,"

"Wait an actual bomb?" Lily asked she had no idea what they were talking about, she felt out of place. They were dealing with things, big things other than her small problems.

"A sickness bomb, when we got to the nursing home he was cooking up some sicknesses that were never seen before," Dean said, a grimace on his face.

"Who's he?"

"There are four horsemen, war, famine, pestilence, and death" Sam explained, "We have already taken out three out of the four for their rings"

"You're killing them for rings?"

"The rings give them the power to do their horsemen things and we need all four rings so that we can get Lucifer back into the cage" Bobby explained and that was just enough for Lily, there is so much about the supernatural that she has yet to learn. But then there was a sound of feathers and there stood a man the same height as Dean in the doorway. She shrieked as he just kind of appeared out of thin air, he wore a business suit covered by a tan trench coat, she got a look at his face, he had a slight beard, bright blue eyes, and dark messy hair.

"Who the fuck is that!?" she said and tried to find the nearest weapon which happen to just be a very heavy book, she grips it in her hands.

"Hey calm down, he's a good guy," Dean said, while Sam pulled the book out of her hands. Bobby had a smug look on his face as he was holding back from laughing.

Castiel looks over at Lily, almost expressionless "Lily Parker, daughter of a witch. I'm Castiel, an angel of the lord"

Dean looks from Isabella's bewildered expression and back to Bobby "Tell me you've got some kind of good news for us"

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