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After what had happened in Chicago with Dean speaking to Death things moved to be moving very quickly, the three shared a drink. Well Lily had a cream soda as the boys had their beers, they were sitting in silence Dean spoke up looking to Sam.

He sighed softly "I'm in"

Sam looked over to his brother a confused look on his face "With?"

Lily set down her drink, quietly observing the two. She knew what Dean was going to say, he had come to her earlier that day and asked to talk.

"The whole "up with satan" thing"

Sam had a bewildered look on his face, he sat down his beer "You're going to let me say yes?"

Dean shook his head "No, that's the thing. It's not me letting you do anything. You're grown – well overgrown if you ask me. But if you want to go through with this, I'll have your back"

"That's the last thing I thought you'd every say"

"Trust me, it's not what I wanted. It took a lot of thinking and I had to talk it over with Lily. I've been watching out for you my whole life...kinda been my job. But you're also not a kid any more and it's time i've stopped treating you like one. So if you think we've got a chance, then let's take it. But I know that if anybody can do it.. It's you"

Lily sat there with teary eyes, seeing their brotherly bond and how much they truly cared for one another was beautiful. She felt like this was a goodbye though, like this is where Sam's story ended. She looked over to Sam who was also teary eyed.

"Thank you, for believing in me and taking care of me"

"If this is what you want...is this really what you want?"

Sam nodded, his expression serious "I let him out, so I have to put him back in"

Lily admired Sam's selflessness, most people would just let their mistakes go and let it be someone elses problem, but he was owning up to his mistakes. Both brothers are what she would look for in a good person, a hero if they liked being called that. With the little time that she has spent with them, they think that they are flawed, misunderstood, broken shells of people but they were so much more. She found them to be kind, selfless and above all brave. They put their lives in danger to save people and make the world a safer place.

"Okay, then that's it" Dean said and the group fell silent again as they just took in the time they had together.

Eventually the group headed inside and Castiel and Bobby were waiting for them, in order for Sam to be able to be strong enough to contain Lucifer he would have to consume an unhealthy amount of demon blood. Omens lead the five of them to Detroit, where Lucifer has always predicted Sam will say "Yes" to him. As they drive, Castiel and Lily were sleeping her head on Castiel's shoulder, it was cute sight because the two had began getting to know each other and Lily was truly interested in everything that Castiel had to say. She would just listen to him talk about heaven, humans, how long he's been around, but the fact of him sleeping now alerted Sam and Dean that his angelic energy is already gone and he is now almost completely human.

Dean looks in his rearview mirror at the two "Aren't they just two little angels"

Sam chuckled softly turning around to look at the two "But angels dont sleep"

Dean sighs "Sam, I've got a bad gut feeling about this"

Sam looked over at his brothers face, it was full of regret and concern "Well, you'd be nuts to have a good gut feeling about it"

Dean rolled his eyes "You know what I mean, he said he'd jump your bones in Detroit and here we are"

"Here we are"

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