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In the morning, she feels movement in the bed; when she opens her eyes, then realizes that she and Sam are cuddled into each other. She was quick to move away from him and get out of bed, and she looked at her watch; it was noon at that time, and Dean was gone. So that means that Dean would have seen the two of them and was not ready to get teased about it. She picks up her bag at the end of the bed and heads to shower and prepare for the day. Lily made the shower quick and made sure not to get her hair braids wet; she reached out of the shower, grabbing a towel drying herself off before wrapping it around her body. She missed her nice shower back at the apartment; the water pressure and the water itself sucked in that motel. She goes through the routine of washing her face and doing her makeup, which complimented her ginger hair and she pulls on a beige hoodie with a black and white flannel and a jean jacket. It was getting cold, and she got cold easily, so she knew layers were her friend. She pairs the outfit with black jeans with rips in the knees and her choice of socks for the day were ones with fall leaves. Her black converse high tops were out in the room, and she would slide them on when they would leave.Her phone started ringing when she was walking out of the bathroom. Sam was already up making the bed, and she went to the table, picking her phone up, seeing it was her college calling her back.

" Hello, Lily speaking," She said while she packed her bag.

"Hello, this is Carol, with the head of administration of the class schedule. Today, I'm reaching out to you to update you about the email you sent us the other day. We will allow you to continue classes online because you have to move back home to take care of your sick father, and everything should be moved to an online website for you to access your classes and such. Do you have any questions?"

"Not at the moment, thank you so much."

"Alright, I wish you and your father good health, have a good day," She says, and Lily wishes her the same before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Sam asked as he grabbed clothes from his bag.

"My college, I lied saying that my father has grown ill and asked if they could change my schooling to strictly online. I just got confirmation that I can continue school from my laptop." Sam hums, "You probably won't have time to do much school work with all the training you'll be doing."

"Training?" she asks, confused-looking over at him.

"Yes, if you are really on some kind of list, you're going to have to learn how to defend yourself, in case Dean and I aren't there to help you."

"I've had a lot more on my plate, and I'm sure that I can juggle schooling and training at the same time."

"You say that now," He says before heading, she pulls her laptop out, and by the time she connects to the wifi and logs into her online classes, the water in the shower is turned on. As she was reading through an assignment, the door opens, and Dean walks with bags of food from a diner; when he closes the door in one swift movement, he sets the food down as well.

"Look who's finally up, I got grub." and he sits down across from her. "I didn't know what you liked, so I got you pancakes with bacon."

She closes her laptop, pushing it to the side, taking the food from him, and digging into the food. Sam walks out dressed, and his hair is still wet but slicked back away from his face. He picks up his food and eats it standing up; the three of them eat quietly before packing their bags back into their cars and get the last three hours of driving in until arriving at a junkyard.

"Singer Salvage Yard," she says to Walter; the bear was buckled into the passenger seat before parking behind the boys. She gets out simultaneously as they did, limping over to them.

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