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Dean stood in front of the Impala looking at the two brothers, both his own and the angel sense. He walked to Sam and looked his brother in the eyes, he knew if he could just talk to Sam they could fix this.

He looked to Sam "Hey, we need to talk"

"Dean, even for you this is a whole new kind of stupid"

"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to my brother"

Michael who was using Adam's body as his vessel spoke up "You're no longer a part of this"

Dean looked over at Adam and cleared his throat, his face showed regret "Adam, if you are in there, just know I am sorry. This wasn't supposed to be how your life turned out"

Michael smirked "Adam isn't home right now"

"You're next on my list, but right now I need five minutes with my brother"

Lily could feel the anger radiating off Michael and he took a few steps forward towards Dean about to raise his hand. Lily looked to her left, both Castiel and Bobby had shown up, and Castiel was carrying a Molotov cocktail made of holy oil.

"You little maggot! You are no longer a part of this story!"

The two make it and Castiel has the arm up and ready "Hey ass-butt" he yells and throws the bottle at Michael who screams in pain and burns up into flames. "He'll be back and he'll be angry. But I got you your five minutes"

"Ass-butt?" Lily asked mostly to herself, where did he learn that from?

Lucifer turns and looks at Castiel, his expression is angry, "Castiel. Did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire"

Castiel got nervous and gave a nervous smile backing up slowly " Uh..no"

Lucifer grits his teeth and snaps his fingers and Castiel explodes into a rain of blood and chunks of meat. Lily lets out a scream and can't help but feel the vomit crawl up her throat and she leans over puking before standing back up.

Dean looks back to Sam after watching what just had happened to Castiel, his voice calm but shaken "Sammy, can you hear me?"

Lucifer rolled his neck and rolled his shoulders pointing to Dean and came "You know... I tried to be nice... For Sammy's sake. But you are such a pain in my ass" Lucifer said gripping Dean's leather jacket and throwing him into the Impala's windshield, Lily jumps back from the car flinching, and rushes Lucifer pushing him back away from Dean but It did no good as he was strong, her push had no effect on him and she stands straight and pleads.

"Lucifer, you don't have to do this, you don't have to fight your brother. We can end this! Please just give us Sam back"

Lucifer's hand goes to her neck and she gasps for air as he picks her up, her toes barely touching the ground "You really shouldn't have come here Lily, don't you know that I've been looking for you?"

A gunshot was heard and his grip on her went away and she dropped to the ground coughing and gasping for air, she looked up and Bobby had shot a bullet into Lucifer's back. When he turned around Bobby made another shot into his front side. Bobby saw that nothing he did with the colt was going to work. Lucifer makes a twisting hand motion and snaps Bobby's neck his body falling to the ground.

"No!" Both Dean and Lily shouted

Lucifer grabbed Dean's leg pulling him off the hood "Yes" he punched Dean hard across the face and he fell against the Impala, spitting blood.

Lily got up slowly and then rushed Lucifer getting one good punch on his jaw, Lucifer staggered back a step and let out a laugh, "You are trying huh?" he then moved his hand in a swatting motion and Lily felt herself fly in the air and she got slammed into a headstone and she let out a cry of pain.

"Sammy, are you in there?"

"Oh he's here alright," He said punching Dean again "And he's going to feel all of it, every single punch and we are going to take our time"

Lucifer punched Dean multiple times, even having to haul Dean back to his feet. Lily watched as Lucifer punched Dean without mercy. His face became swollen and bloody. To the point where one of his eyes was swollen shut, but Dean didn't stop trying.

"Sam' it's okay, I'm here. I'm not going to leave you" He said and Lucifer gave two more blows "I'm not going to leave you"

Lily watched as Lucifer went to draw back his fist for another blow but then paused, something had caught his eye. After a few seconds, Sam's fist falls and he's gasping for air, he reassures Dean that he's got him under control. He looked over at Lily giving her a scared look and then reached into his pocket grabbed the rings throwing them to the ground and chanted and the ground began to open with the sounds of screaming and loud wind.

Michael appears again "Sam! It's not going to end this way, so step back?"

"You're going to have to make me"

"I have to fight my brother! It's my destiny!"

Sam looked back at Dean and then at Lily, then closed his eyes and lunged forward, Michael grabbed at Sam's jacket trying to pull him back up, but Sam just grabbed Michael's arm pulling him down with him. It all happened so fast, the hole closed with a blinding light and that was the end. Dean closed his eyes as he fell into the Impala kneeling next to it, Lily got up and limped over to Dean dropping next to him and comforting him. They sat there for what felt like hours until that familiar sound of wings could be heard. The two of them looked over and there stood Castiel.

"Cas, you're alive?"

"I'm better than that," he said and touched Dean's forehead healing him of all his wounds from Lucifer and doing the same for Lily and her broken rib.

She looked up at him "Are you god?"

He gives her a small smile while the two stand up "That's a nice compliment, I do believe he brought me back."

Castiel then walked over to Bobby's body and touched him on the forehead as well and Boby awoke gasping for air. Lily goes to where the hole had been and picks up the rings Dean walks up next to her and she hands them over. On the way back to Bobby's house Lily sat in the back trying to get some rest but Castiel and Dean went into a slight argument about what God did and didn't do, then Castiel left without another word. Dean checked on Lily who was laying down back to him, she had silent tears rolling down her face, he was right about what he said. After all he had done and been through what does he get after all that he had done? No one besides them knows that they just saved the world. Once back at Bobby's, Dean has Lily go upstairs and pack, they weren't going to be staying with Bobby anymore. She headed upstairs to her room and began packing her bags, she didn't know how much to pack or how much not to pack so she tried shoving as much as she could into two duffles and then packing her bathroom stuff into a bookbag and putting her electronics in another.

So she came down with four bags total and Dean looked over to her "What? I didn't know what to pack, or how long we'd be gone. I still have clothes here in case we come back"

"It's fine," He said and the three of them walked outside and Dean loaded her bags into the trunk while Lily was saying goodbye to Bobby. She gave him a tight hug and thanked him for all that he did for her.

"Make sure you keep the cream sodas stocked up for me" She teased and he smiled at her.

"You got it kiddo"

Dean walked over gave Bobby a tight hug and said he'd keep in touch the two got into the Impala, and he peeled out of the junkyard, having no true destination. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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