Chapter 11: The new student

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POV ~ Illya
After the chauffeur arrived at Miyu's and mine school, Ruby and Sapphire disappeared in each other school bag. I thanked Luvia for the ride and ran after Miyu, who was allready in the school. I caught up with her and we went to our class room in silence.
'I don't know what to say to her. Mabye everything makes up when we are in class.'
I smiled as I though about to see our friends again.
'Finally some normality since that Kuro Girl is somewhere out there.'

"Morning.", I said as I came into the classroom. I saw my three friends turned around and ran directly in my direction. Their faces showed a mixture of anger and indignation.

"Illya!", their screamed in my face, their faces in a red blush.

"Yes?", I stumbled in irritation.
'What is wrong with them? Did I did something to them?'

"Hey, you!", Tatsuko yelled at me, who kinda looks like she cried, "What was that all about?!"

"I didn't think it was true, Illya, but don't tell me...", Nakaki said, obviously confused but angry.

"You're free to have your own sexuality, but please don't force it on others!", Suzuka admonished me angrily. I stood there all shocked about the situation.
'What the hell is going on? What are they talking about?!'

"Huh? What? What are you talking about?", I said, trying to get a clear picture of the situation, "What did I do?" I stepped back as the three of them came close to me with a murderous voice and shadowed eyes.

"What did you do?"

"Huh?", I panicked as they said that. All three jumped right in front of me.

"How dare you play dumb, after forcing us to kiss you!", they shouted angrily in my face. Tatsuko even balled her right fist, ready to punch me.

"Huh?!", I shouted in confusion. Now Miyu next to me started to show emotion in her face. She blushed in surprise.

"Kiss... Force?", she mumbled and touched her lips in both surprise and disbelief, "Three... Four-timimg?"

"Miyu, don't misundersta-", I tried to convince her, but interrupted myself, "Why did you go from three to four?"
'What?! She is definitely thinking of the last time she wanted to wake me up and counted herself with in!'
"W-wait, everyone.", I said, trying to stop them as they came closer and closer, "I don't know what you're talking about." I jumped some steps back from them. "Besides, I only just got here...". I stopped as I bumped into my teacher Taiga.

"Illya-chan?", she said to me. I turned around.

"Sensei...", I looked at her irritated.

"That was my first kiss!", she cried, "Will you take responsibility?"

"Sensai?!", I screamed, afraid in what is going on. I looked around and saw that everyone was around and circled me. I dashed out of the room in panic.

"I said I don't know anything about this!", I shouted and ran through the hallway.

"Why, you... Illya!", Nanaki said as she looked out of the classroom in my direction.

"What kind of smooch-demon are you, stealing a lonely woman's first kiss?", Suzuka shouted angrily.

"Don't call me a lonely woman!", Taiga shouted embarrassed and pointed in my direction, "Don't let her escape! After her!" With a roar of agreement, they all ran after me.

"Wait!", they shouted at me while I ran for my life. Miyu caught up to me with a broom in her hand.
'Now even Miyu wants to beat me up?!' I panicked.
But she stayed right behind me with her back to me and positioned herself to stop the crowd.

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