I'm sorry...

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I'm sorry that I stopped writing my fan fiction.
I'm sorry that I never said anything.
I'm sorry that I let you all down, who really enjoyed my story.
I'm sorry for ending up like other loved creators, who just... vanished...

I'm sorry, guys...

Life has been a roller-coaster in all these years. I had relationships, school put me under pressure, my family had issues... yeah, it was a lot.

But I managed things that I never imagined doing myself! I ran away from home, completed my apprenticeship, have a loving girlfriend and a place that I can finally call home!

I just realized that maybe it wasn't fair for you all... That I should have said something, just a little sign, that I'm okay or that I will pause this fan fiction. But I didn't...

So I'm here to apologize, to make things right, which I can never undo. To tell you all that I'm a failure...

But nothing lasts forever!
I now realize that I'm now capable of writing new stories, new characters, and new feelings.
I have grown over the past years while life was driving me crazy but I'm not the little girl I used to be anymore - heck, I'm almost 20 now!

So yeah... I thank you all for reading my little fan fiction, maybe even liking it so far, but... I think I will leave it by that.  I'm not sure if I can still continue what I abandoned years ago... I... I need time to think about it.
BUT I will try out new stuff, new forms of writing, new ideas with more meaning, and more feelings. Something that I can be proud of...

I guess that was my POV, heh...
Thanks to all of you who always believed in me and sent me support <3

Until next time... with hopefully a new story~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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