That day

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Author's pov

It was a normal day. Or so Jin thought. It was a Friday night, also known as a no school night. It was something that Jin used to do on a regular basis. Every Friday there would be some other party at someone's house. He was more of a what you could call a social butterfly.

The party that he went to today was more of a rave party. His parents were not very cool with the fact that he was going to parties every Friday, but still didn't say much.

They had reached their limit today when they read the text they received from their son.

"mOM, dAd. Pweasefbcjxnnb pick MEeerrr uPpp...Heheh. Hdisnevdjcind. I aM nOttjszc dunk att All hehhh."

Gosh, they were so fed up with all this non sense. They both decided to go pick their drunk son up and give him a piece of their mind.

His father was a bit of a rash driver, so he was driving at a risky speed of 70km/hr on a busy road.

They were going just fine and almost about to reach. That's when they saw it coming towards their car--

Father could see his life slipping in front of his eyes. He was half conscious to know that they were hit by a truck. He tried to reach out to his wife, but God had other plans. He already took her with him. He decided to follow her too.

At the party
Jin was waiting for his parents to come pick him up since he couldn't drive in this state. Everything happened so fast. He did not even realise when he heard that loud crash but all that his clouded mind could do was to run as fast as he could towards that, whatever it was.

There he was, motionless, rigid, stoic looking at the scene. He was talking to himself saying it was not what he was thinking. It cannot be what he was thinking. He saw his parents' car upside down just lying on the roads and he could just make out two figures inside the car.

It was then he realised. Fuck. THIS. IS. NOT. HAPPENING. Fuck fuck fuck.
He screamed as if he wanted to kill himself right there and then. The horrendous scene that lied in front of him, he could not have imagined it even in a million years. He kept on screaming. Screaming to the point that the police officer present at the scene had to hold him tight, to prevent him from hurting himself in the process. He went numb. He could not feel anything. Fuck he did not even want to feel anything anymore. He so wished it was just a nightmare and that his dad would just slap his face and wake him up, his mom making breakfast. He saw his mom and dad's body being taken out of the car and taken into the ambulance. But it was of no use. The impact of the truck was too forceful for any life to remain in those two innocent souls.

He started screaming again. Screaming to such an extent that he passed out.

Hello my lovlies, author this side, this is the first time I am writing a Wattpad fanfiction. Before this I have only written oneshots.

I hope u like this story of mine. This story is going to be more on a psychological side. So u might find a few technical term. If u find any error I apologise. Also be patient with the story. I promise there are good parts to this story.
Also should I make the parts a little longer or is this fine? Lmk

Namjoon is gonna come into the story in the next chapter ig

Spread love💜


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