That Push-2

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"Let's break up." Jin said.


"You heard what I said. I said let's break up."

"Why?" Joon's voice breaking while saying so.

"I am broken. I can't do this anymore." Jin was trying his best not to break down. He had been asking himself questions a past few days if he was good for Joon or not.

"I am fucking broken. Can't you see that about me? You are fine and you will be out of here in no time. Whereas me? I am a fucking nut. Seeing my dead parents in your parents." Jin said with a dry chuckle.

Jin thought he would be fine with Joon. He was wrong. He had been constantly questioning his entire existence when he came into this place. Which kind off stopped when he started hanging out with Joon. But looking back at what happened today, all the walls that he had made to prevent those thoughts had come crashing down. He was crashing down. Something in him got triggered when he saw him parents. Or so he thought.

"Please Joon leave. Leave me. I beg you. You will be so happy without me once you are out of this place. I promise you. You will live the best life without me. I am just a person who has a lot of baggage. And as much as I try to get past such things. I can't. I fucking can't. I will be stuck here forever, not able to move on. I don't know what happened today out there. I am fucking crazy. Why will you date me when you can get out of here and life your best life. I will just pull you down. That's it. So please leave." He broke down the instant he said that.

Joon was standing there. Numb to the core. He didn't know what to say.

He didn't think Jin was crazy. He didn't think that he could live his best life out into the world without him. He didn't think a single thing that Jin just said.

He can be easily cured. The doctor said that himself. Right?

Then why is Jin punishing himself? 

"Jin, baby. I don't think you mean all this stuff, do you? Baby you are not crazy. Please believe me. How many times do I have to tell you are going to be just fine. I will repeat those words hundred times a day. I promise you. You are not bad for me. Stop making stuff up."

Joon's soothing words of assurance should have had an impact on Jin right?

It didn't. Jin had made up his mind. And once he did that. There was no backing down. He was firm in his decision. He felt it could be the best thing he could make for Joon. 

But was it?

Jin didn't say anything. Indicating that he was not going to listen to anything Joon was going to say.

Joon kind of sensed that. He came closer to him, trying to hug him the second time.

"Kim Namjoon, I told you to leave."

Jin gave him a slight push after saying that.

Joon's heart broke.

That push broke him.

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