That Session

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Almost one and a half month in this place, Jin had started to feel comfortable here.

The people around him were really nice, especially Joon who were with him through almost every nightmare he had.

The medications and several exercises for his nightmare problem had started. It was not very much effective, but it was definitely mind altering to a tiny extent and a little helpful.

Slowly he is healing. Joon's words still ring in his head from time to time. Those words that he had said while he was telling his own stories.

Jin felt like he owed a lot to Joon for whatever progress he had shown in here. His presence and words were enough for him. He couldn't possibly describe this feeling.

This feeling of dependence that he had over Joon. It was not an unhealthy dependence. It was just something that Jin needed unknowingly. Perhaps even Joon did.

No therapy sessions had started till now for him since it was the policy of the hospital that at first, the patient will be allowed to settle down and adapt to his or her surroundings. Come to terms with the fact that this place was not hell but was actually built to help people.

And so Jin did. He came around. So it was decided that his therapy session could begin and that it was time he started talking and that the real work began.

"Hi doctor." Said a shy Jin fiddling with his hands while sitting on the sofa in front of the therapist.

Christy, as Jin could see on her name tag, gave a wide smile as if she has been waiting her whole life to help this boy out.
"Hi Jin. How have you been? How are the patients treating you? Is everything alright for you in the hospital?"

"Uh... Yeah. The hospital is fine. I feel like I have quite adjusted to this environment now. I have made a few friends." Jin chuckled within his breathe.

"That is good to hear. So Jin, shall we start now? What do you say? Or do you have any objections that you might want to voice?"

Jin thought. He thought hard. But no, he didn't find any questions in his mind before the start of this weekly sessions. So no objections were raised.

"Okay. So Jin, let's start with the basic question. What have you been upto these days?"

Huh what kind of a question is this. Well, he thought, she is the doctor not him so let's not question her back.

"Um, well I have made friends with Yoongi, Hosoek, and Joon. I didn't make many friends though. These three are quite sweet and I like them. Joon is my roomate and Yoongi and Hoseok are each other's. I have been attending the music classes that are held thrice a week. I have developed quite a liking for music. Since Joon is quite famous around here, and I sit with him, so I have to sit with all those other people at the dinner table too. I don't quite like this idea. But I sit near Joon so I think that's fine. Although I am quite uncomfortable sometimes. And um..... Yeah that's it. I guess."

"Hm seems like you have been mixing around quite well here. That's nice to hear. Um my next question is, why do you feel uncomfortable around so many people at the dinner table?"

"I-- I don't know."

"Well is it something related to your past? Something that you fear you might do, if you are surrounded by many people?"

He fell silent. He didn't know the answer. Or maybe he did. Maybe he didn't want to admit. That session seemed not so helpful now.

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