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The end of the week came, and Trixie's friends asked her to go out with them since it had been a while. As soon as Katya accepted to give a chance to Trixie, the girl was always all over Katya, completely lovey for her now girlfriend. The older woman loved it, she felt like the most precious person on earth and relished in Trixie's affection. But she absolutely understood that her girl was young and wanted to party from time to time. She drove Trixie to the club she would spend the night at, making sure the blonde knew how beautiful and loved she was before letting her go.

Katya went back home and spent the night at the Mattel's house in case Christian would need her. Trixie joined her friend group in the booth they rented, immediately ordering two shots of vodka caramel for everyone and downing them in a second. She danced and drank some more throughout the night, eventually having to pee at some point. She left the lounge with a friend and came back a few minutes later, ready to empty another glass. She took the cup she left on the table and finished it. It was starting to be late, people were leaving and her friends decided to go too. She walked outside, struggling to walk a bit but blaming it on the alcohol. Everyone went separate ways and soon she was left alone on the sidewalk waiting for her uber. As minutes passed she felt her body go weak, almost unable to reach a nearby bench to sit down. She mindlessly looked at her phone, seeing that her driver was there just a few steps away. However she couldn't move, couldn't stand up and reach the car. She was paralyzed. Trixie had to focus extremely hard not to close her eyes and fall asleep. She knew it would be too dangerous. It was 6 am and she was alone in her party dress on the street, nothing too good could happen to her. Just like she feared, her ride left. A few minutes later she saw a man approach from her peripheral vision. The last bit of energy she had urged her to call Katya. She couldn't talk, but she hoped this was enough to save her from whatever was about to happen.

*Trixie? You're still not home is everything all right? Baby? Are you okay? Trixie talk to me what's going on?* Katya asked getting more and more panicked. Trixie didn't answer, it was like all of her muscles were locked and her lips sealed. Tears filled her eyes and she cried silently, the person coming towards her now only a few feet away. Katya ended the call just as she felt a cold and rough hand on her shoulder.

"Hey there doll. What are you doing here by yourself? Do you need someone to take you home?" The man asked crouching in front of Trixie. She remained silent and motionless, even if inside she wanted to scream and run.
"Oh no why is a beautiful girl like you crying. You would look so pretty with a smile. Come on" He said lifting Trixie up by the waist. She could barely hold herself up, he just dragged her by his side with a painfully tight grip.
"Don't scream or I'll kill you. If you keep those dick sucking lips shut nothing bad will happen" The man warned in a voice that made Trixie's whole body freeze. She felt nauseous, gagging on her own saliva like she was about to throw up.

The street was empty, there was no way someone could help her. Trixie's instinct told her the best thing she could do now was to delay her fate. She was still wearing high heels, and as she made a new step she twisted her ankle purposefully and tried to throw herself to the ground with her entire weight. The man didn't let her go, but stopped walking to get Trixie back on her feet.

"Don't hurt yourself dumb bitch. A whore like you should know how to walk in heels" He spat, moving even faster now. Trixie was desperate, her body felt like mush, her mind was working slowly. On top of that her ankle was hurting, she limped forward on one leg to keep up the pace of her abuser.

They turned a corner and Trixie was blinded by headlights. She heard screeching tires and the sound of slamming car doors. Still not seeing anything, she felt the man remove himself from her. Her body fell to the ground, she closed her eyes and slipped into an unconscious state.


Trixie felt more warm as she started to wake up. Someone was holding her hand, she was laying down and her mind was a bit fuzzy. She slowly opened her eyes, meeting the gaze of the only person who could immediately appease her, Katya.

"Hey babygirl. How are you feeling?" She asked in a soft voice, rubbing her thumb over Trixie's hand.
"I'm not in physical pain"
"Yes the nurses gave you painkillers. Do you know why you're here?"
"I'm not sure. Did you bring me to the hospital?"
Katya simply nodded.
"You saved me" Trixie cried, Katya laying on Trixie's chest and hugging her.
"I'm so glad you called me Trix. Someone spiked your drink and tried to take you with them, but they ran away when I arrived. I was so scared my love I can't imagine how you felt. You can tell me anything honey you need to talk about this. To me or someone else but don't keep it to yourself."
Katya said looking in Trixie's eyes to remind her that she was there for her.

The younger girl sobbed harder, the events from last night were all a blur but she knew they were traumatic. She explained the few details she remembered after calming down a bit, but some memories were making tears fall again. Katya listened and comforted her, making sure Trixie knew that none of it was her fault. She also advised her to file a complaint to have legal proof of what happened.

"You're so brave baby. We'll get through this together I promise." Katya said still holding Trixie's hand. The girl nodded and winced as she tried to turn on her side.
"Oh fuck I forgot to tell you but you broke your ankle моя любовь. Don't try to move it. You also have some bruises on your sides and arms but they'll go away soon. I called your mom, she came home to be with Christian and take care of you for the weekend."
"But I want you to stay with me Katya. I can't sleep alone, I need you to hold me" Trixie pleaded on the verge of tears, the pills she was on making her super emotional.
"Yes yes yes don't worry кролик I'm not going anywhere. But we'll have to tell your mom that we're together if I sleep in your bed." Katya said kissing Trixie's temple.
"Okay. I'll do it."
"I'll be by your side. And if she upsets you we'll go to my place."

After a few hours Trixie was ready to go home. She was still extremely tired so Katya moved her to the car in a wheelchair. They drove home and arrived around 2 pm. Trixie's mom was worried crazy, pushing her daughter to tell her what happened. Katya saw how it made Trixie uneasy and proposed to tell the story herself while Trixie laid down in her room.

"It's okay Kats I can do it"
The Russian squeezed her hand and they all settled in the living room, with Christian too. The little boy was extremely mad someone hurt his sister. He didn't understood everything and Trixie recalled the incident with some euphemisms, but it still warmed her heart when he ran to her to hug her. Regarding Trixie's mom, she was angry nobody at the club did something to help her, insisting her daughter needed a personal bodyguard. She had her way of seeing things, even saying she would sue the establishment.

"What a horrible night... Anyway thank you for everything you've done Katya I really appreciate it. It was a miracle you knew where Trixie was going that night." Trixie's mom stated, making the two girls look at each other. It was the moment.
"Yes... By the way mom Katya and I are dating. It hasn't been a long time but I love her very much, and I would like her to stay home with me. I feel safer with her."
Trixie felt ill-at-ease, she never talked about her love life with her mom. But Katya was there next to her, placing a hand on her thigh reassuringly.

"Oh really? Well I didn't expect that... I never thought you would like old women. I mean no offense Katya but there's so many girls your age you could date Trix."
"I know and I still chose her."
"I guess. I'm going to make some calls and see what I can do to get a compensation from the club" The mom stated avoiding the subject. She stood up and left the room, clearly not pleased with Trixie's announcement.

"I knew it!" Christian shouted pointing his fingers at Trixie and Katya sitting next to one another.
"And how would you have known Chris?" Trixie laughed.
"You look at each other like they do in the love movies. And I saw you kiss the other day" The boy said proudly.
The women giggled, happy that at least one family member was supportive of their relationship.

They went to Trixie's bedroom, Katya helping her girlfriend to lay down without hurting herself and cuddling her cautiously.

"I'm sorry that my mom doesn't like you"
"Don't apologize for that. As long as you love me I don't care about anybody else."
"And you're not old. Just older than me."
"Yeah I'm still in my twenties. Late twenties sure but she makes it seem like I'm 60."
"I think she's afraid of you replacing her."
"Seeing how you call me mommy I understand her concern" Katya sneered.
"Ugh shut up! I- I don't even... It's just. You..."
"Why are you stuttering babygirl?" The Russian teased.
"You're stupid"
"Stupidly in love with you" Katya replied kissing Trixie lovingly.

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