Get rid of that too

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Trixie's mother left their house on Monday, apparently to everyone's relief. Katya was around Trixie at all times, she helped her to do almost everything. The blonde felt bad to be such a burden, Katya now had to care for her 7 years old brother and herself. But the Russian didn't mind it one bit, she liked to be there for her girlfriend. She would drive her to and from college everyday, making sure she made it safely to class with her crutches. Katya slept in Trixie's bed every night, she even brought some of her stuff to their bedroom to avoid going back and forth to her place. Trixie and Katya got closer since they were together so much.

Yet Katya missed something. It wasn't that important really, but since they've been together they only had sex once and well it was Katya who pleasured Trixie. With Trixie's injury it was perfectly understandable that she wasn't in the mood, but Katya was just so horny. Especially when she helped Trixie to shower or undress. She kept it to herself though, not wanting to push anything on Trixie. She would wait. That's what she told herself, but her mind had other plans.

Both girls were cuddled in bed on Saturday night, sleeping tightly, and Trixie appeared in Katya's dream. She was crawling towards her on all fours, completely naked. She sat on Katya's lap, trailing her hand down her girlfriend's body and touching her clit. Katya whined and moved her hips forward, but Trixie laughed and pulled away. Katya was so frustrated that she woke up, finding herself rutting against Trixie's thigh. She was ashamed of her own unconscious actions, her girlfriend was sleeping so innocently next to her. The Russian left the bed as quietly as she could and went outside on the balcony to smoke. When she came back she softly kissed Trixie's forehead and pushed the sheet up on her. Katya went down to the living room, where she took a blanket and slept on the couch. She didn't want to have another wet dream right beside Trixie.

"What are you doing here baby? Did I snore this bad?" Trixie asked when she found Katya still asleep on the sofa.
"Hey love. No no don't worry. I just... I wanted to sleep alone." Katya explained too shameful to say the truth.
Trixie's heart skipped a beat. As Katya's words left her mouth she was already imagining her falling out of love.
"Oh okay. You wanna take breakfast with me?"
"Sure" Katya smiled getting up and giving Trixie a quick kiss.

They ate together and did some of Trixie's homework, then ordered lunch for them and Christian. Katya was still a little bit distracted. She was thinking about how she was going to deal with the situation, how she could bring up the subject in a sensible manner.

"Would you come with me in the hot tub?" The younger blonde asked as an episode of Real Housewives ended. Katya would've loved to join her girl, but she wanted some time to think properly.
"Actually I'm gonna go home. Can I leave you alone for this afternoon with Christian? I need to work on some art projects and do yoga. I haven't been able to go to the gym in a long time either."
"Sure sure I'm sorry I didn't want to take up on your time. When will you come back?"

Trixie felt a hint of annoyance in Katya's voice and everything crashed down. Katya was always so sweet that she must have done something wrong to irritate her.
"Don't apologize babygirl. I'll be home to make dinner"
"Okay. Bye honey. I love you"
"I love you too, see you"
Katya gave Trixie a peck on the lips and left.

She went home and did as she planned, also getting off in the shower when she finished exercising. She knew she had to talk to Trixie instead of avoiding her, but she didn't know how to start the conversation. What if Trixie thought she only wanted her for sex? That was absolutely not the case, and she couldn't take the risk of Trixie believing that. The only option seemed to be waiting it out.

In Trixie's mind it was different. Only a little change in Katya's attitude made her overthink everything, even more because she was alone. She needed to say how she felt. She wanted answers to her worries, she couldn't bear being insecure about the only person that made her feel happy.

"I'm back!" Katya said as she entered the Mattel's mansion.
"Kat! I missed you." Trixie said hugging her girlfriend and kissing her softly.
"Me too малашка"
"I made something for Christian and he's already eating and watching a movie." Trixie said walking to the kitchen.
"But that's my job babygirl!"
"I know I know. I wanted us to be alone tonight. I wanna talk to you."
"Uh y-yeah. What's up?"
Trixie sat on a stool near the kitchen counter and Katya stood on the other side.

"You tell me Katya. You've been off today. And I don't want you to feel down even for a few hours. Did I do something wrong?"
"It's really nothing Trixie don't worry about it."
"Just say what's bothering you babe and we can work on it together."
"Ugh it's so embarrassing." Katya sighed.
Trixie rolled her eyes to mock Katya's ridiculous behavior.
"Okay okay if you wanna know so bad. I'm just super fucking horny that's it. But I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything just because I want to. And I perfectly understand that with your ankle it's not easy and also maybe you don't feel the need to fuck as often as I do. Plus I'm scared you'll think I'm with you only to have sex 'cause that's not true at all... I love every single thing about you and your body is surely on the list but it's not the first thing..." Katya went on and on until she heard Trixie laugh silently.

"What? What!" Katya asked not understanding what her reaction meant.
"You're so dumb baby. Why don't you initiate things and if I don't want to I'll tell you to stop. Don't be afraid to cross my boundaries. I love you and as long as you respect my feelings it'll be alright"
"Uh. I love you so much princess. It's just that I care a whole lot about you, I never want to do something that could make you mad or upset."
"Come here" Trixie said opening her arms, Katya soon coming to nestle in them.
"It sounds pretty ironic but I can pay a babysitter for a night this week so we can go on a date and then spend the night at your place. I don't want Chris to hear us" Trixie proposed playing with Katya's hair.
"That would be really great. When?"
"I was thinking Friday? I know it's in a long time but I can't go to college after a sleepless night."
"Oh you think you can last the entire night babygirl?" Katya teased raising up an eyebrow at Trixie.
"Says you! I'm not the almost 30 years old smoker. You'll be out of breath after one round"
"We'll see about that" Katya replied placing sloppy kisses down her girlfriend's neck.

"I finished" A little voice called from the hallway. Katya let go of Trixie and spun around, finding Christian holding his empty plate.

"Oh yeah give me that" She said kind of embarrassed.

The boy quickly ran back up to his room. Both girls laughed and Katya put Christian to bed. She joined Trixie in their bedroom and undressed, only leaving her panties on. The blonde watched intently her every move from the bed, holding herself up on her elbows.

"Get rid of that too" Trixie demanded referring to Katya's thong. She wanted to instigate something, now knowing Katya had a hard time doing it.
The Russian followed her request and laid beside her, immediately connecting their lips. Trixie's warm tongue soon entered her mouth and she brought her closer with a hand on her lower back. Katya pushed Trixie down on the mattress and intertwined their legs. The small touch it gave her was almost too much. Her body was burning with desire like she never felt before, she knew she could come in an instant. They both grinded against each other, Katya taking the lead and fully riding Trixie's thigh. The younger blonde put her hands on Katya's hips and sat up, taking one of her boobs in her mouth.

"Hmmm Trixie baby that's perfect yeah" Katya panted, grabbing Trixie's hair.
Her girlfriend pushed Katya down harder on herself, using one hand to play with her clit in fast circular motions.
"You're gonna make mommy cum princess" Katya moaned out making Trixie whine and keep up her pace. Katya rocked her hips forward and felt her orgasm crash through her, quickly pulling Trixie's head up to kiss her roughly and muffle her loud whimpers. She rolled her body aggressively to make her high last and Trixie helped her through it still rubbing her clit. When she came back down Katya fell on top of Trixie. Trixie let herself fall back against the bed and held Katya against her. She pet her hair and kissed the crown of her head while Katya caught her breath.

"Thank you babygirl. You're talented" Katya said looking at Trixie and pecking her lips.
"I can tell with how wet my thigh is" The blonde giggled.

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