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Katya was watching TV and drinking some tea on Tuesday evening when she heard the front door open. She immediately jumped up and rushed to see who it was, praying to the universe that her Trixie came home.

"Valerie? I thought you were only coming back Saturday" Katya sighed seeing Trixie's mother, deeply disappointed and mad that she got her hopes up for nothing.
"Oh hi Katya. Yeah but I had to come back early to discuss with the police." She nonchalantly said.
"What?! Do they have any news about Trixie?" Katya exclaimed.
"I can't disclose any information to you about the case Katya."
"B-but I'm her girlfriend! I've been unable to sleep or eat anything since she's gone I need to know" The Russian desperately explained.
"You two are still a thing?"
"Of course we are! Please tell me what happened. Is she okay?"

Valerie paused for a moment, debating with herself whether she should say more to Katya.

"Well she has been kidnapped. I've already gave the 50.000$ ransom. She should be given back anytime now"
"Oh my god that's awful she must be so scared. I hope they didn't arm her in any way" Katya said. Valerie agreed and went to her office.

Katya was kind of relieved, she knew that kidnapping the children of rich people was a common thing that usually ended well. However she was hurting for Trixie, her poor baby must be completely panicked and afraid. Valerie asked Katya to go back to her place, and even if she would've preferred to be there if the police brought Trixie home she wanted to keep her mom on her good side so she avoided an argument.

Katya was off work for an undetermined amount of time, that is until Trixie was back and her mother could leave for her job obligations again. The Russian was sleeping as much as she could to forget about everything going on, but then felt guilty that she was not caring enough. On Friday morning she decided to call Valerie and see if there were any news. Sadly Trixie was still nowhere to be found, and the criminals asked for 25.000$ more. Katya knew that this could only mean one thing : the abductors were greedy beginners unafraid to get caught, and they planned on killing Trixie once her mother would stop paying. Maybe she was already dead. The police rarely got really invested in kidnappings, especially since Trixie was an adult and her mother could pay almost any amount. Katya needed to intervene. She had to do everything she could to get her girlfriend back. So she called the person she thought she would never need anymore.

*Good morning father* Katya greeted in a monotonous tone.

(AN: italics = Russian)

*Yekaterina? Hello. Why are you calling?*
*I know what happened 10 years ago but I need your help. I wouldn't ask you if there was another option.*
*Go ahead.*

Katya explained what happened to Trixie with as many details as she could. Her father remained silent until she was done.

*You know that we only work for family Yekaterina. Whoever that American girl is, she's no family of mine.*
*She's my girlfriend Aleksandr. I love her, and if she was by my side right now I'll ask to marry her.*
*You must. If we manage to get her back to you, you will marry her.*
*I promise.*
*I'll send a friend of ours to your apartment. His name is Grichka. He'll handle everything.*
*Okay, thank you so much*
*Don't thank me yet. I have conditions. Firstly, you will not get involved. Secondly, if we do find your future wife, me and your mother will be invited to the wedding, as well as some friends of ours.*
*Okay, sure.*
*Alright. Goodbye Katya.*

Katya ended the call and had to sit down. She hadn't talked to her father or any family member for 10 years now. When she was 18, her father tore appart a family over a delayed payment. He tortured the mother, kidnapped the children, and threatened the father. When the cash was still not coming, Aleksandr simply burned down the shed where he held the kids hostage. Money was above everything for him. Katya was trained from a young age to fight and fire a gun, but she couldn't stand violence. She never forgave her father for his cruelty, and she decided to leave the mafia lifestyle for good. Katya fled from Russia and went to the US. Alone, unable to speak english, and with no money.

This simple call brought back a lot of painful memories. She wish she could tell everything to Trixie, she was the only one who knew exactly what to say and do to soothe her. But for now she was alone with her thoughts. However, less than a hour after her discussion with her father, she heard a knock on the door. She stood up and checked who it was through the peephole, half-opening the door with the lock chain as she didn't recognize the man.

"Hello. Katya?"
"Yes. And you are?"

Katya wasn't expecting someone to come so quickly, but she let him enter nevertheless. They stayed in the hallway and Katya described Trixie to Grichka. In 2 minutes he was gone, leaving a phone number and a burner phone to call it from. Katya didn't really know what to expect, but she knew how powerful the mafia was. She never thought she would need their service, but with Trixie on the line she would make a deal with the devil.

Long hours of waiting started for Katya. She felt like she was going insane, checking the time every 10 minutes. Grichka told her to call on Monday if he didn't come back before. In 3 days she would know.

Trixie was recoiled on the dirty tiles, trying to stay as far from the man standing in the corner of the room as possible. She was cold, she felt dirty, she was hungry and dehydrated. But most of all, she was terrified. The men who took her away kept making disgusting comments about her, they bragged about all the things they could do to her. Rape and torture seemed to make them laugh. Trixie tried not to listen, she focused on all the good things that waited for her once she would be released. Katya. Trixie was thinking about her all the time, pleading her girlfriend to come save her, to wake her up from this nightmare. But nothing changed, and each time her short and disturbed sleep ended she was still in the same place.

"Don't move your fat ass or I'll make sure you won't be able to anymore" The guy guarding her said before standing and leaving the room. Trixie almost stopped breathing and followed his warning. Seconds later, she heard three shots getting fired. Her heart felt like it stopped on the moment. She stayed still and didn't blink an eye. Suddenly the door opened, and a different tall man came in.

"Up. Follow me, I'm getting you out of here." He said with a thick accent that Trixie thought was similar to Katya's. She didn't linger on that fact and stood up on shaky legs. Her body was weak, and she almost passed out as she tried to take a step. The man caught her and held her by the shoulder as they walked. Her vision was blurry and the house she was detained in was dark, but she clearly saw three bloody bodies in the hallway. She looked away and focused on moving forward. Once they were outside, they entered a black SUV and drove away. Trixie had no idea if she was really safe, but she was too tired to think about it. They came to a halt at a hotel, and the man brought her to a suite. Trixie was confused, but she followed him nonetheless.

"You can take a shower, eat, change clothes and sleep." The guy explained.
"When are you bringing me back home?" Trixie asked in a hoarse voice.
"Once that is done."

The blonde was reassured but she still didn't understand why she had to do all that. She surely needed it, but it seemed so pointless when her heart was aching to see Katya. Trixie did as she was told, she put on the basic clothes she was given after thoroughly washing herself, then ate everything on the room service tray and fell asleep in 5 minutes. She was woken up by a phone ringing. Looking around she saw it on the bedside table.

"Hello?" She said her mind still fuzzy.
"T-Trixie? Is that you my love?" Katya stuttered in disbelief.
"Katya... yes it's me. Come get me kitty please I need you." Trixie cried.
"Where are you I'm leaving right now, I'll be there as soon as I can baby"

Trixie looked around and saw the name of the hotel embroidered on the towels, then checked the door for the number.

"I'm at the Maybourne, suite 5. Don't drive too fast."
"I won't I promise. I love you Trixie"
"I love you"

Katya hung up and rushed to her car, reaching the hotel in 15 minutes. She asked the receptionist to go up to Trixie's room, expecting to have to beg but after giving her name she was free to go. She took the elevator and walked to the suite, finally in front of the door. Katya pushed the doorknob down and opened, seeing her Trixie sitting on the edge of the bed. The younger blonde picked her head up and opened her arms with a smile and teary eyes. Katya sprinted to her and tackled her down on the bed with a hug. They both burst into tears, sobs escaping their mouths. Katya buried her face in Trixie's neck and squeezed her tightly between her arms.

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